Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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ZYGOPHYLLACEJE.many ovules. Style simple, tapering into a minute stigma.Fruit capsular, 5-cornered or winged, with a loculicidal dehiscence; rarely indehiscent.439. Z. Fabago Linn. sp. pi. 551. Lam. ill. t. 345. f. 1.DC. prodr.i. 705. Syria, the Crimea, Barbary.A smooth, jointed, bright green, herbaceous plant about 2 feet high.Leaves conjugate, opposite ; leaflets obovate, obtuse, sessile, oblique.Flowers solitary or in pairs and axillary, or terminal in small clusters,nodding. Sepals with a pale membranous margin. Petals obovate,longer than the calyx, white, with a deep saffron-coloured base. Stamensas long as the petals, with deep saffron-coloured filaments. Fruit pendulous,long, clavate, 5-cornered. Esteemed in Syria as a vermifuge.GUAIACUM.Calyx deeply 5-parted, unequal. Petals 5, longer, unguiculate.Stamens 10, without scales. Ovary stipitate with 2-5angles, 2-5 cells, and about 8 suspended ovules in a cell.short, acute. Fruit on a very short stalk,Stylessomewhat fleshy,angular. Seeds solitary by abortion, smooth, pendulous.440. G. officinale Linn. sp. 546. Lam. ill. t. 342. Swartz.obs. . 168. DC. prodr.i. 707. Woodv. t. 16. S. and C.of the Westii. t. 90. Macfady. jam. i. 187 Various partsIndies.A tree seldom more than 12 feet high : branches crowded, knobby,short-jointed, flexuose. Leaves opposite, bijugate or trijugate leaflets:sessile, more or less obovate, rounded at the apex, nerved, glabrous ;common petiole terete, channelled above. Peduncles axillary, severaltogether, an inch long, 1-flowered, filiform, minutely downy. Sepals 5 ;two exterior, somewhat broader than the others ; all obtuse and hoarywith down. Petals 5, light blue,thrice the length of the sepals, oblong,bluntish, internally downy. FilamentslO, twice the length of the sepals,grooved on the back anthers bifid at the : base, curved. Ovary 2-celled,with numerous suspended ovules, compressed ; stigma simple. Capsuleobcordate, succulent, glabrous, yellow, 2-5-celled. Seeds solitary,roundish, compressed. Wood hard excessivelyand compact, yieldingGuaiacum, a bitter acrid stimulant gum resin partially soluble in waterand wholly in alcohol, and employed as a diaphoretic and alterative.It has been found useful in rheumatism, diseases of the skin, leucorrhoeaand scrofula. Its action is stimulant and tonic and in large dosespurgative. The common tincture of Guaiacum has been employed,diluted with water, to cleanse the mouth, strengthen the gums, relievetoothach, &c.PORLIERIA.Calyx deeply 4-parted. Petals 4, rather longer, somewhat unguiculate.Stamens 8, scaly at the base. Ovary placed on ashort receptacle, 4-furrowed, 4-celIed, with 4 suspended ovulesin each cell. Style 4-cleft. Fruit fleshy, globose, 4-lobed,4-celled. Seeds solitary, smooth, pendulous.214

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