Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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CINCHONA.was easily detected." Reichel, who examined Poppig's specimens ofthe bark, determined them to belong to the Huamalies bark of commerce.840. C. hirsuta Flperuv. ii. 51. 1. 192. Cascarillo delgadoRuiz Quinol. 60. Wooded mountains of the Andes, in highand cold places near Pillao and Acomayo R. and P. and variousother stations in the province of Panatahuas near Huanuco,10 south of the line. Ruiz.Young branches short-jointed, bluntly quadrangular, covered withcoarse hair. Leaves oblong, acute or obtuse, coriaceous, revolute atthe margin, shining above, with the veins hairy, with prominent veinscovered with coarse shagginess on the under side, not scrobiculate ;petioles short. Peduncles shaggy, trifid, densely corymbose, in theaxils of the upper leaves, forming a compact leafy thyrse. Calyx-tubetomentose, angular limb; deeply campanulate, pubescent, with 5 acuminateteeth recurved at the point. Corolla with a cylindrical tomentosetube, 4 times as long as that of the calyx limb ; revolute, veryshaggy. Fruit obovate, smooth, rather strongly ribbed and veined.Six specimens in Mr. Lambert's herbarium, and 2 in that of Dr.Thomson, assure the distinctness of this species, which is not unlikethe hairy forms of Viburnum Tinus. It yields a kind of Cascarillo fino,employed in medicine formerly, under the name of Quina delgadilla, ordelgada, but not collected now, because other kinds, especially C. nitidacan be gathered so much more readily. Ruiz. Nevertheless it appearsto be of the best quality ;and probably forms part of the fine Yellowbark of the shops.841. C. glandulifera Fl. Peruv. iii. 1. t. 324. Cascarilloglanduloso Ruiz Quinol. suppl. 5. C. Mutisii Lambert Illustrationsp.9. Wooded mountains of Peru, near ChicoplayaR. and P. Mountains of Panatahuas and Huamalies, and thoseof Monzon and Chicoplaya Ruiz MSS. Cuchero, Poppig.Young shoots covered with a short fur, 4-cornered. Leaves oblong,usually cordate, obtuse or acute, short stalked, very rugose, undulated,shining and smooth on the upper side, covered with a short coarsehairiness on the underside, the secondary veins of which are prominent.There is seldom any trace of the glands described by Ruizand Pavon as existing at the axils of the leaves on the upper side, andwhen they do appear, it is only in the form of a minute, discoloured,scarlike area ;in the figure of the <strong>Flora</strong> Peruviana they are representedon the under side of the leaf: but this is a mistake of the engraver, as Ihave ascertained by examining the original drawing, or a copy of it,in Mr. Lambert's possession. Peduncles tomentose, leafy, branched,forming a thyrse rather than a cyme in the axil of the upper leaves ;the whole constituting a loose leafy inflorescence. Calyx-tube tomentose;the limb campanulate, nearly smooth, as long as the tube, with5 sharp ovate teeth. Corolla tomentose (not smooth as in the <strong>Flora</strong>Peruviana), with a short thick tube, the limb according to Ruiz andPavon woolly inside. [Of this there is a well marked variety (?) withmuch smaller, more even leaves which are not at all cordate, moreclosely downy and less prominently veined on the under side; it isthe C. Mutisii a. of Lambert's Illustrations p.9. Dr. Thomson hastwo specimens of it, and Mr. Lambert three.] I have seen two spe-421 E E 3

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