Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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FAPAVEUACE.S:.43. A. mexicana Tourn. elem. 204. t. 121. Linn.sp.pl.727. Bot. Mag. t. 243. DC. prodr. i. 85. Macfadyen, Fl.Jam. 20. Mountainous plains; Mexico ; Louisiana ; UnitedStates ; West Indies, Brazil, St. Helena, Cape of Good Hope,Mauritius, Java, Bengal, Sandwich Islands.Annual. Stem somewhat glaucous, erect, terete, rather naked ofleaves, bristly with firm stiff hairs. Leaves alternate, sessile, glaucous,oblong, repand, sinuated, with prickly angles. Peduncles axillary,short, 1-flowered. Sepals 2 or 3, prickly, deciduous, concave at thepoint, awned. Petals 4 or 6, yellow, large, crumpled. Stamensabout 20, as long as the ovary which is oblong, 3-angular and bristly.Stigmas 4-6, reflexed. Capsule oblong, angular, bristly. Seedsroundish, compressed, scrobiculate. Dr. Barham says that this plantis called Figo del inferno by the Spaniards, because of the powerfulnarcotic effects of the seeds, which are stronger than opium. Dr.Affleck states, that an emulsion prepared from them acts first as ananodyne and afterwards as a purgative. Dr. Macfadyen denies theseeffects ;but Mr. Huggins says that in Nevis the oil obtained from theseeds is used as a substitute for castor oil. Med.Bot. Trans., 1829,p. 1. This is confirmed by Dr. Michael Short. The juice isemployed in India in chronic ophthalmia and in primary siphiliticsores. The infusion is said to be diuretic, and to give relief in stranguryfrom blisters.SANGUINARIA.Petals 8-12. Stamens 24. Stigmas 2. Capsule oblong,2-valved, ventricose, acute at each end, with deciduous valves,and 2 permanent placentae.44. S. canadensis Linn. sp. pi. 723. Bot. Mag.t. 162.Bigelow med. hot. i. t. 7. An early spring flower in mostparts of the United States and Canada, in woods.Blood root, Red root, &c.)(Puccoon,Smooth throughout. Rhizoma creeping, emitting a bright orangejuice when cut. Leaves radical, solitary, on long channelled petioles ;reniform or heart-shaped, with large roundish lobes, separated by obtusesinuses. The under side strongly reticulated with veins, paler thanthe upper, and at length glaucous. Peduncles solitary, axillary, round,1-flowered, infolded by the young leaf. Sepals 2, concave, ovate, obtuse,falling off when the corolla expands. Petals 8, spreading, concave,obtuse, the external ones longer, so that the flower has a square appearance.This is its natural character, although cultivation sometimesincreases the number of petals. Stamens numerous, with oblong yellowanthers. Ovary oblong, compressed ; style none ; stigma thick,somewhat 2-lobed. "Capsule oblong, acute at both extremities, 2-valved.Seeds numerous, roundish, compressed, dark shining red, half surroundedby a white vermiform raphe. An acrid narcotic. In smalldoses it lowers the pulse,in smaller still it has some reputation as atonic stimulant. Powder of the rhizoma acts violently as an emetic ; isa useful escharotic in cases of soft polypi has been recommended in;typhoid pneumonia, phthisis, croup, hydrothorax, jaundice, &c.16

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