Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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JUNIPERUS.length, while they become spreading, acerose, remote from each other,and irregularin their insertion, being either opposite or ternate ; suchshoots are so dissimilar to the parent tree that they have repeatedlybeen mistaken for individuals of a different species. The barren flowersgrow in small oblong aments, formed by peltate scales with the anthersconcealed within them. The fertile flowers form a small roundishgalbulus, with 2 or 3 seeds, covered on its outer surface with a brightblue powder. Similar in effects to J. Sabina, for which it is used inNorth America as a substitute.1180. J. Sabina Linn, sp.pl. 14,72. Woodv. t. 94. LoudanArb. etfrut. Britt. 2499. Midland parts of Europe andRussia in Asia. (Savin. )A dull deep-green very compact bush, usually more disposed tospread horizontally than to form a stem. Branches slender, round,tough, closely covered with short acute imbricating leaves ; they areveTy bitter and have a strong disagreeable smell. Fruit deep bluishpurple,almost black, about the size of a currant. Oil of savin is apowerful local stimulant, acting, when applied to the skin, as a rubefacientand vesicant ;swallowed it occasions vomiting and purging. It isa powerful stimulant, and exercises a specific influence over the urinogenitalapparatus. In certain cases of amenorrhoea it acts as a powerfulemmenagogue, and in pregnancy it has a strong tendency to produceabortion ; it, however, frequently fails, and can only be given to a womanat the risk of her life. Savin powder mixed with verdigris is used asan efficacious applicationfor the removal of venereal warts, and in theform of ointment it is an excellent means of promoting discharge fromblistered surfaces.TAXACE^E.Nat. syst.ed. 2. p. 316.TAXUS.Flowers dioecious axillary. $ Catkins roundish, surroundedat the base by imbricated scales. Stamens 6-14, with peltate3-8-celled anthers. ? Catkins bud-like, 1 -flowered, surroundedby imbricated scales. Disk cup-shaped, at first inconspicuous,afterwards increasing, becoming succulent, and enclosing thenut-like seed.1181. T. baccata Linn, sp.pl.14.72. E. Bot. t. 746. SmithEng. Fl. iv. 253. Mountainous woods, especiallyin limestonecountries. (Yew.)Trunk straight, variously channelled longitudinally,with a smoothdeciduous bark ;and horizontal branches, spreading in opposite directions.Leaves scattered, nearly sessile, 2-ranked, linear, entire, very557

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