Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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LAMIACE^, OR LABIATE.Nat. syst. ed. 2. p. 275.*** A great number of different plants of this order have,from time to time., been introduced into medicine, as aromaticsand stimulants, or for imaginary virtues. It would be only encumberingthe pages of this work to notice anything like allsuch cases in detail, as the greater part are abandoned in modernpractice, and appear to be of little or no consequence, except inthe kitchen. It will be sufficient to give a list of those best known,and to describe such only as are most remarkable, or as are stillincluded in the Materia <strong>Medica</strong>.988. Ocymum suave Willd. is used in India as a stomachic,and a cure for infantile catarrh.989. Ocymum crispum Thunb. ; an infusion of the leaves issaid by Thunberg to be used in Japan as a cure for rheumatism.990. Ocymum cavum Sims,is esteemed a sudorific in Brazil.991. Ocymum Basilicum Linn., according to Ainslie, is usedin India to assuage the pains of childbirth ;the pilose variety isemployed.992. Ocymum viride Willd. is employed in Sierra Leone as afebrifuge.993. Ocymum sanctum Linn, is reported by Ainslie to havesimilar powers in India.994. Geniosporum prostratum Benth., has been used at Pondicherryas a febrifuge. Burnett.LAVANDULA.Calyx tubular, nearly equal, 13- or rarely 15-ribbed, shortly5-toothed, with the 4 lower teeth nearly equal,or the 2 lowernarrower ;the upper either but little broader than the lateralones, or expanded into a dilated appendage. Upper lip ofcorolla 2-lobed, lower 3-lobed ; all the divisions nearly equal ;the throat somewhat dilated. Stamens didynamous, declinateFilaments smooth, distinct, not toothed. Anthers reniform,1-celled.995. L. vera v.DC.fi. fr. snppl. 398. Benth. labiat. 148.L. Spica Linn. sp. pi. 800. L. angustifolia Mcench. meth. 389.L. officinalis Vill. fi.ii.dauph, 355. 363. On sterile hills in4-85 i i 3

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