Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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? Calyx and corolla as before. Stamens 6, rudimentary, collectedinto a cup. Ovary 3-celled; stigmas 3, sessile. Berry 1-seeded,covered with a mail of reversed scales. Albumen horny, with apustular, even, or polished and ruminated surface. Embryonearly at the base.1233. C. Draco Willd. ii.sp.pl 203. R. and S. vii. 1323.(Rumph. v. t. 58. f. 1.) Indian Archipelago.Trunk while the plants are young, erect, and then resembling anelegant, slender palm tree, armed with innumerable dark coloured,flattened, elastic spines, often disposed in oblique rows, with theirbases united. By age they become scandent, and overrun trees to agreat extent. Leaves pinnate, their sheaths and petioles armed as abovedescribed. Leaflets single, alternate, ensiform, margins remotely armedwith stiff, slender bristles, as are also the ribs ; from 12 to 18 incheslong and about J of an inch broad. Spadix of the female hermaphroditeinserted by means of a short, armed petiole on the mouth of thesheath opposite to the leaf, oblong, decompound, resembling a commonoblong panicle. Spathes several, 1 to each of the 4 or 5 primary ramificationsof the spadix, lanceolate, leathery; all smooth except theexterior or lower one which is armed on the outside. Calyx turbinate,ribbed, mouth 3-toothed, by the swelling of the ovary split into 3 portions,and in this manner adhering, together with the corolla, to theripe berries. Corolla 3-cleft ;divisions ovate-lanceolate, twice as long asthe calyx, permanent. Filaments 6, very broad, and inserted into thebase of the corolla. Anthers filiform, and seemingly abortive. Ovaryoval. Styles short. Stigma 3-cleft ;divisions revolute, glandular on theinside. Berry round, pointed, of the size of a cherry. Roxb. Oneof the resinous astringent substances called Dragon's blood, is obtainedfrom this.1234. Elais guineensis Jacq. yieldsPalm oil.1235. Areca Catechu Linn, produces the Betel nuts or Pisangnuts which the natives of India chew for the sake of their astringentqualities.A kind of Catechu is obtained from them.Many species besides those already named, yielda kind ofSago.583 P P 4

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