Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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AMARYLLIDACE^.Nat. syst.ed. 2. p. 328.CRINUM.Perianth tubular, long, with a spreading or reflexed equallimb. Stamens 6, spreading or declinate, inserted into the orificeof the tube. Ovules hardly separable from their fleshy placentae.Capsule membranous, bursting irregularly. Seedsglobose, with a fleshy testa, giving them the appearance of smalltubers.1207. C. asiaticum Roxb. fl.ind. ii. 128. Herbert amaryll.p. 243. C. toxicarium Roxb.fl.ind. ii. 135. Radix toxicariaHumph. East Indies.Bulb with a terminal, stoloniferous, fusiform portion issuing from thecrown of the bulb, descending deep into the mud or earth ; from thelast-mentioned portion proceed the ramous fibrous roots. Stem 0.Leaves radical, equally disposed on every side, linear, concave (so muchso that a section forms nearly a perfect semicircle) ; margins smooth ;length from 1 to 3 feet, and where broadest, little more than J of aninch. Scapes generally shorter than the longer leaves, a little compressed,smooth, often coloured. Umbels with from 6 to 16 flowers.Spathe 2-leaved, with filiform bracts amongst the flowers. Flowerslarge, white, subsessile, fragrant during the night. Tube cylindricalfrom 4- to 6 inches long, coloured, or pale-green, according to exposure,smooth. Divisions of the limb linear-lanceolate, equally disposed;margins waved a little; a recurved process at the apex of each. Filamentsequally disposed, ascending, upper half coloured ; anthers linear,incumbent. Ovary inferior; style as long as the stamens, declinate;stigma simple. Fruit membranaceous, subglobose, containing in onecell 1 or 2 rugose, bulb-like seeds, and although the flowers are subsessile,the capsules are on short stalks. Roxb. The bulbs are powerfullyemetic ; they are used to produce violent vomiting in cases ofpoisoning by the Antiaris. i.Rumphia 55.1208. Oporanthus luteus Herbert is said to have purgativebulbs.BRUNSVIGIA.Perianth tubular, with a spreading equal or unequal 6-partedlimb. Stamens 6, inserted into the bottom of the tube, erect, orsomewhat declinate. Capsule membranous, triangular, or almost3-lobed, with the angles sometimes winged, bursting into3 valves through the cells. Seeds few, oblong, black, oftenfleshy.571

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