Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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RANUNCULACE.E.Sect. I.ANTHORA.Root turnip-shaped. Leaves divided intomany linear lobes.Flowers light yellow, sometimes variegated with blue. Sepalspersistent. Helmet convex or semicircular. Ovaries 5.31. A. Anthora Linn. sp. pi. 751. Jacq. austr. t. 382. Reichenbachaconit. Anthora vulgaris Clus. hist. ii.p. 98. f. 2.Thickets in the mountainous parts of Europe Siberia.;All the parts more or less downy. Stem from 6 inches to 2 feethigh, simple or branched at the upper part. Leaves palmate, repeatedlycut into linear acuminate divisions. Flowers racemose or panicled.Sepals and petals permanent. Petals with scarcely any bag, a thickspiral spur, and a long lip. Filaments scarcely winged. Fruit deepgreen, smooth or downy. Root extremely poisonous, similar in actionto that of A. Napellus.The following reputed species appear to be mere varieties ofA. Anthora; viz., A. Pallasii, grandiflorum, Jacquini, nemorosum,Decandollii, anthoroideum, eulophum, and versicolor.Sect. II. LYCOCTONUM.Root fibrous.Leaves with incised wedge-shaped lobes. Flowerspale yellow or white, seldom purple or variegated. Sepals deciduous.Helmet long, conical, obtuse, with scarcely any point infront.Ovaries 3.32. A. Lycoctonmn Linn. sp. pi. 750. Jacq. austr. t. 380.DC. prodr.i. 57. AKOVITOV XV/COKTOVOV, Dioscorides. A. lycoctonumvulgare flore luteo, Clus. hist. ii.p. 9

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