Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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STERCULIACE^.Nat. syst.ed. 2. p. 92.CAVALLIUM.Calyx 5-lobed, campanulate, erect. Stamens united into a shortcup, which is contracted in the middle and at the end decandrous,half the stamens being longer than the others. Styles shortconsolidated. Stigma 5-lobed. Follicles 5, coriaceous, fewseeded.Seeds large. Indian trees with cordate lobed leaves,and panicles of numerous small flowers.269. C. urens Schott. mektem. 33. Sterculia urens Roxb.Corom. pi. i. t. 24. DC. prodr.\. 483. W. and A. i. 63.Mountainous parts of the coast of Coromandel, Hindostan, &c.(Bulee, Hind.)Trunk erect, very straight, top large and shady. Bark light ashcoloured,very smooth ; its outer coat thin, transparent, covered witha farinaceous substance, and peeling off like the exterior pellicle of thebirch bark; inwardly fibrous, and netted. Leaves about the extremitiesof the branches, alternate, petioled, 5-lobed, 5-nerved; lobesacute, very downy, from 9 to 12 inches each way. Petioles nearly aslong as the leaves, round, downy. Panicles terminal, pretty large,covered with a glutinous, farinaceous, yellow down. Bracts lanceolate.Flowers small, numerous, yellow, male and hermaphrodite mixed.Hermaphrodite; calyx campanulate, 5-toothed, leathery; divisionsacute ; with an obcordate hairy gland on the inside of each divisionnear the base. Corolla none. Filaments 10, alternately longer,united below into a thin sheath. Anthers 2-lobed, alternately larger.Ovary 5-lobed. Style single, short, thick. Stigma 5-lobed. Folliclescovered with yellow down, and many stiff stinging hairs. Seeds 3-6.Yields a gum extremely like Tragacanth, as which it has actuallybeen imported. Boyle.STERCULIA.Calyx deeply 5- parted, spreading. Tube of stamens long,cylindrical, expanded at the apex into a 5-lobed cup, each lobehaving 3 teeth and 3 anthers. Styles united, abruptly recurved.Follicles subsessile, many-seeded. An Indian tree with palmateleaves, and red stinking racemose flowers.270. S. fcetida ZzVm. sp.pl 1431. DC. prodr.i. 483. W.andA. 63. Sclwtt. mektem. 32. (Rumf. iii. 1. 107.) Continent andislands of India.Leaves compound, peltate ; leaflets 7-9, oblong, lanceolate, acuminate,when young slightly pubescent, when old smooth. Flowers135 K 4

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