Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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WILLUGHBEIA.ments short, inserted into the tube of the corolla a little above itsbase. Anthers subsagittate, but not adhering to each other. Ovaryovate, smooth, 1-celled ovules ;many, attached to 2 opposite parietalplacentae ; style short ; stigma conical, and closely embracedby the anthers. Berry the size of a large lemon, subovate, coveredwith a thick, friable, pretty smooth, brownish, yellow rind, 1-celied.Seeds many, in a soft, yellowish pulp, which is intermixed with softercottony fibres ;the size of a small garden bean. Every part of theplant on being wounded discharges copiously a very pure white viscidjuice, which is soon, by exposure to the air, changed into an indifferentkind of caoutchouc. The fruit is eaten by the natives of the placeswhere it grows, and is by them reckoned good. Roxb.1124 a. W. pubescens Nees and Martius, is found an excellentremedy for bilious complaints in Brazil.* * Fruit follicular.ALLAMANDA.Calyx deeply 5-cIeft, with lanceolate segments. Corolla funnel-shaped,very large, rather irregular, with a very long tubeand a 5-cleft limb. Stamens inserted into the throat of thecorolla ;anthers subsessile, sagittate. Ovary surrounded by aring stigma ; capitate, contracted in the middle so as to appeardouble. Capsule orbicular, compressed, coriaceous, prickly withlong spines, 2-valved, many-seeded valves boat-shaped. ; Seedsorbicular, with a membranous border, imbricated in 2 rows, attachedto the margin of the valves.1125. A. cathartica Linn. mant. 214. Bot. mag.t. 338.A. grandiflora Lam. encycl.iv. 601. L'Herit. sertum. iv. 8. t- 24.Orelia grandiflora Aubl. i. 271. t. 106. Cayenne, Guayana,and many parts of Brazil, especially near the coast.A climbing milky shrub. Leaves in fours, subsessile, ovate-oblong,shining, obtuse with a point, ferruginous underneath, with white hairson the veins. Flowers fascicled, axillary, yellow, large and showy, withvillous clichotomous rigid peduncles. An infusion of the leaves isconsidered a valuable cathartic medicine, in moderate doses, especiallyin the cure of painters' colic. In over doses it is violently emetic andpurgative.1126. Rauwolfia nitida Willd. The root is a disagreeablebitter, and isemployed in the West Indies as a remedy for colic.NERIUM.Corolla hypocrateriform; the orifice surmounted by laceratedmultifid processes; segments of the limb contorted. Filamentsinserted into the middle of the tube ;anthers sagittate, adher-ing by the middle to the stigma. Ovaries 2 ;style filiform,dila ilated at the apex ; stigma obtuse. Some teeth at the bottomof the calyx on the outside of the corolla. Follicles cylindrical.1127. N. odoratum Lam. enc. iii. 436. R. and S. iv. 410__N. odorum Willd. i. 1235.Roxb.fi. ind. 2. Blume ii., Bijdr.533 M M 3

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