Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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ARACE^E.Nat. syst. ed. 2. p. 363.ARUM.Spathe convolute at bottom. Spadix naked at the upperend, interruptedly unisexual at the bottom. Rudimentaryorgans beneath and occasionally above the stamens. Antherssessile, distinct or variously consolidated, with 2 lateral cellsopening by a partial slit. Ovaries free, 1-celled, with 2-6 ovulesattached to the inner lining ; stigmas sessile, obtuse. Berries1 -seeded or few-seeded. Seeds albuminous. Blume.1280. A. maculatum Linn, sp.pl. J370. Eng. Bot. t. 1298.Woodv. t. 25. Smith Eng. Fl. iv. 146. A. vulgare Lam.fl.fr. 1 150. Blume Rumphia i. 1 17. All the temperate partsof Europe, coast of Barbary, and the higher mountains of Madeira.(Wake Robin.)Tubers large, flat, buried under ground. The whole herbage of abright shining green. Leaves stalked, sagittate, more or less hastate,acute, erect, spotted variously with dingy purple, or unspotted. Spatheon a radical scape, erect, pale green, occasionally spotted its ; npperpart ovate-oblong, acuminate. Spadix clavate, obtuse, purple or yellowish.Berries scarlet, remaining long after their spathe and the foliageof the plant have withered. The tubers are composed of a largequantity of amylaceous matter, mixed with an acrid poisonous juice.By repeated washing and by means of heat the acrid principle isremoved, and the residuum is a bland nutritious substance of the natureof Arrow root, which is manufactured in the island of Portland, andthence called Portland Sago. It is used extensivelyin some parts ofDorsetshire. In the recent state the tubers are stimulant, diaphoretic,and expectorant.ARIS^EMA.Spathe convolute at base. Spadix naked at the point, unisexualor$ below ; rudimentary organs placed above the $ ,oraltogether absent. Anthers on distinct filaments, whorled, withthe cells either disjoined or approximated, opening by a pore ortransverse cleft. Ovaries distinct, 1-celled ;ovules 2-6, seldommore, at the base, erect ;styles absent or short ;stigmasundivided. Berry 1-seeded, or few-seeded; seeds albuminous.Blume.1281. A. atrorubens Blume i.Humph, 97. Arum atrorubensHort. Kew. iii. 315. A. triphyllum Linn. sp. pi. 965.601

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