Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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AMYGDALEffi.more delicate perfume of green tea. A water distilled from the blossomsof the sloe is said to be used as a medicinal vehicle in Switzerlandand Germany. Smith.POMEM.Nat.syst. ed.2. p. 145.PYRUS.Calyx superior concave, in 5 deep, spreading, permanentsegments. Petals 5, roundish, concave, much larger than thecalyx, and proceeding from its rim, with short claws. Filaments20, from the rim of the calyxwithin the petals, awl-shaped,shorter than the corolla. Anthers oblong, of 2 lobes. Ovaryinferior ; styles 2-3 to 5, filiform, about the length of the stamens.Stigmas simple, bluntish. Apple roundish or somewhatoblong, umbilicated, fleshy, of as many cartilaginous or membranouscells as there are styles. Seeds 2 in each cell, ascending,obovate, flattened at one side.479. P. Aucuparia Goertn. ii. t. 87. Smith Eng. Fl. ii. 364.DC. prodr.ii. 637. Subus Aucuparia Linn, sp.pl. 683. Eng.Bot. t. 337. Fl. Dan. t. 1034 Mountainous woods andhedges. (Mountain Ash.)A handsome tree, of slow growth, with a tough, close-grained, notvery hard wood ;the branches smooth, round, grayish. Leaves scarcelya span long leaflets; narrow, firm, downy beneath, not cottony whenyoung afterwards smooth on both sides. ; Panicles corymbose, broadand flattish, with downy stalks. Flowers white, numerous, with a slightalmond-like scent. Petals very concave. Styles 3, or 4, with smallobtuse stigmas. Apples like berries, scarlet, globose, very juicy, sourand bitter, of as many cells as there are styles ; the sides of the cellspliant and leathery, not cartilaginous or rigid. Seeds 2 in eachcell, though only 1 in general becomes perfect. Flowers bark androot contain so much of the peculiar essential of almonds as to yieldfully as much hydrocyanic acid as that procurable from an equal weightof cherry-laurelleaves. Buchn. rep. 27. 238.CYDONIA.All the characters of Pyrus ; except that the cells of the fruitare many-seeded, and the seeds enveloped in a thick solublemucus.480. C. vulgaris Pers. synops.ii. 40. Lindl. in Linn, trans.xiii. 97. DC. prodr.ii. 638. Pyrus Cydonia Linn, sp.pl. 687.Woodv. t. austr. t.19.Jacq.JL342. S. and C. ii. 1. 1 15. Southof Europe, introduced originally from Candia. (Quince.)234

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