Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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TRILLIUM.t. 470. T. foetidum Par. Lond. t. 35. Shady rocks in theUnited States.Rhizoma large, prasmorse, with thick horizontal fibres. Stem a footor more in height, sheathed at the base. Leaves large, abruptly acuminate,closely sessile. Peduncle about half as long as the leaves, inclinedto one side. Flower large, a little nodding. Leaflets of the calyxoblong-lanceolate, acuminate. Petals dark purple, nearly as broad againas the calyx. Filaments distinct ;anthers linear ; stigmas sessile,spreading. Berry large, nearly black. Torrey. Rhizoma violentlyemetic, and the fruit suspicious.124-5. Other species are reported to have the same properties.COLCHICUM.Perianth coloured, funnel-shaped, with a very long subterranean,slender tube, and a somewhat campanulate 6-partedlimb. Stamens 6, inserted into the throat of the tube. Ovary3-celled ;ovules numerous, in 2 or 4 rows ;styles 3, filiform,long stigmas somewhat clavate. Capsule 3-celled, ; 3-partible,opening inwardly. Seeds numerous, roundish, with a shrivelledskin.1246. C. autumnale Linn.sp.pl. 485. Eng. Bot. t. 133.Woodv. t. 177. Smith Eng. Fl. ii. 202. Moist rich pasturesinmany parts of England, and in various countries of Europe.Cormus ovate, large. Leaves dark green, very smooth, obtuse, abovea foot long, 1J inch broad, somewhat keeled, produced in spring, alongwith the capsules. Flowers several, radical, leafless, bright purple, witha long white tube appearing in the autumn without the leaves. Capsules3, distinct, though forming together one oblong, elliptic fruit, withintermediate fissures. Seeds whitish, polished. The flowers in onevariety accompany the leaves in spring, and have long, narrow,greenish-white segments, violet-coloured at the base. Smith. Thedried cormi and seeds are used extensively in the manufacture ofVeratria, and in various pharmaceutical preparations. Colchicum isfound to increase the secretions of the intestinal mucous membrane,and of the kidneys, and in some cases to act as a sudorific ; it is alsoemetic and purgative, and in large doses is a powerful narcotico-acridpoison. It is used extensively in drops} 7 , gout, rheumatism, and also asan anthelmintic. The energy of the cormus and consequently of thepreparations from it is often much impaired by the collection of theplant at a wrong time of year, or by keeping it after it has been collecteduntil the flowers sprout forth, which they will do quickly if taken intoa warm place. When the leaves are quite withered is the best time fortaking up the cormi, of which use should be made without loss of time.Many of those sent to the drug shops for sale have already pushed forththeir flowers, which are broken off so as to prevent the circumstancefrom being observed. I have seen many cwts. sent to town in thisstate, which nevertheless found a ready sale and at the best price.589

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