Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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COLUTEA.Calyx 5-toothed. Vexillum spread open, with 2 callosities,larger than the obtuse keel. Stamens diadelphous. Stigmalateral, below the apex of a hooked style. Style bearded longitudinallyat the back. Legume stipitate, ovate, boat-shaped,inflated, membranous. Unarmed shrubs. Stipules small, onthe stem. Leaves unequally pinnate. Racemes axillary, fewflowered;rather shorter than the leaves. DC.509. C. arborescens Linn. sp. 1045. JBot.mag.t.81. DC.prodr. ii. 270. Hedges and thickets in the middle and southof Europe. (Bladder Senna.)A large loose-branched bush, with thin deciduous ash-gray bark.Leaves smooth or nearly so ; leaflets in 3^1 pairs, short, oblong, retuse,equal-sized, very slightly stalked ; stipules triangular, acuminate, membranous.Racemes axillary, shorter than the leaves, 3-4-flowerednear the apex. Bracts minute, acute. Pedicels about the length ofthe calyx. Calyx campanulate, tapering to the base, slightly pubescent ;with shallow acute teeth. Flowers bright yellow, whole-coloured.Pods distinctly stipitate, smooth, pale green or becoming purple at theside most exposed to light ; cracking with a slight report when suddenlyand violently compressed. Leaves purgative ; used for adulteratingSenna.ASTRAGALUS.Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla with an obtuse keel. Stamensdiadelphous. Legume 2-celled or -i 2-celled, in consequence ofthe dorsal suture being turned inwards. DC.510. A. verus Oliv. voyage, iii. t. 44. DC. ii.prodr. 296.A. gummifer, $ hispidulus DC. astr. 85. Persia.Leaflets 16-18, linear, hispid; stipules at first downy, afterwardssmooth. Flowers in clusters of 2-5, axillary, sessile. Calyx tomentose,obtusely 5-toothed ;otherwise according to De Candolle this differslittle from the next species. The principal part of the Tragacanthused in Europe is said by Olivier to be furnished by this.511. A. gummifer Lab. journ. phys. 1790. p. 46. ic. DC.astr. 85. ii.prodr. 296. On Lebanon.Stem shrubby, about 2 feet high, slender, nearly erect, smooth,branched ;branches straggling, taper, hoary with wool. Petioles hard,rigid, spiny, smooth, permanent ; stipules 2, adhering to the petiole,smooth, sheathing, broad, ovate, somewhat acute; leaflets 8-12, oppositeor alternate, sessile, smooth, oblong, acute. Flowers 3-5, sessile,allaxillary, produced round the branches. Bracts withinside thestipules, solitary, keeled, membranous, smooth. Calyx very woolly,cylindrical, 5-cleft; segments acute, woolly, equal. Corolla yellowish,scarcely longer than the calyx; vexillum oblong, broad, emarginate,247 R 4

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