Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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BETULACE^E.Nat. syst.ed. 2. 'p. 171.BETULA.$ Catkins . cylindrical, lax, imbricated all round, with ternate,concave scales ;the middle one largest, ovate. Filaments10-12, shorter than the middle scale, to which they are attached.$ Catkins . similar, but more dense ; scales horizontal,peltate, dilated outwards, 3-lobed, 3-flowered. Ovary compressed,bordered, of 2 cells. Styles 2, awl-shaped, downy.Stigma simple. Nut oblong, deciduous, winged on each side, of1 cell, with a solitary seed.604*. B. albaZtrot. sp.pl 1393. Eng. Bot. t. 2198. SmithEng. Fl. iv. 153. Woods and rocks in moist mountainous partsof Europe. (Birch.)A tall tree, with the epidermis of the trunk whitish and peeling offreadily in thin slips. Branches long, slender, nearly erect, coveredwhen young with a short close down. Leaves ovate or slightly deltoid,acuminate, unequally serrated, slightly downy on the underside.Catkins terminal, stalked, pendulous. Independently of many usefulpurposes to which the bark of this plant is it (applicable, has also beenemployed as a febrifuge, and yields by distillation a pyrogenous oil ofa very peculiarkind to which Russia leather, dressed with it, is said toowe its remarkable odour.ALNUS.$ Catkin . lax, imbricated all round with ternate scales, the2 lateral of which are minute, the central 3-flowered. Calyxtubular, 4-lobed. Filaments 4, opposite the lobes of the calyx.? Catkin . firm, ovate, composed of 2-flowered simple scales.Calyx 0. Ovary 2-celled, with 2 parallel, tapering, deciduousstyles.Nut ovate, bony, angular, not winged, 2-celled, 2-seeded.605. A. glutinosa Gcertn. ii. 54. Smith Eng. Fl. iv. 132Betula Alnus Linn. sp. pi. 1 394. # E. Bot. t. 1508. Meadowsand wet places all over Europe. (Alder.)A small crooked tree, with spreading, round smooth, dark brownbranches, glutinous when young. Leaves roundish-wedge-shaped, obtuse,plaited, serrated, glutinous, deep green, with numerous parallelveins, having bundles of hairs in their axils ; stipules roundish, entire.A decoction of the bark is employed as a gargle in relaxation of themucous membranes of the fauces ;and in double the dose of cinchonaithas been administered with success in cases of ague.293 u 3

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