Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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A very large evergreen bush or small tree. Leaves coriaceous, large,entire, smooth, becoming brownish underneath, with scarcely any otherveins than the midrib ; broad-lanceolate, tapering to the stout peduncle.Flowers in close terminal clusters, very showy, of various tints ofpurple. Corolla shortly campanulate, deeply 5-cleft, with ovate, acutesegments, one of which is larger than the others. Stamens 10, purplish,the length of the corolla. Reported to be deleterious, and to havebeen one of the plants whose nectar renders the honey of Trebisondpoisonous ;but this statement of Tournefort is contradicted by Guldenstaedt; see Azalea pontica.778. R. chrysanthum Linn, suppl. 237. Pall.fi.ross. i. 44.t. 30. (Gmel.jl. sib. iv. 121. t.54-.)The snow-capped summitsof the Sajan mountains ; Siberia and Daouria, through allSiberia eastward as far as Kamtchatka.A small bush 1 foot high in low places, not a foot high in alpinesituations, spreading, very much branched, often almost hidden amongmoss, from which the tips only of its shoots are protruded. Leavesalternate, of the texture of a laurel leaf, ovate, somewhat acute, taperinginto the stalk, reticulated and very rough above, paler and smootherunderneath. Peduncles clustered, terminal, loose, emerging from amonglarge downy scales. Flowers large, showy, nodding. Corolla yellow,campanulate, 5-cleft, with rounded segments, of which the 3 upper arerather the largest, and streaked with livid dots next the tube, the lowerunspotted. Stamens 10, unequal, deflexed. The leaves are decidedlynarcotic in a remarkable degree. This was first noticed by Steller, aRussian Botanist, who had a tame deer which became so intoxicatedby browsing on (about 10 of) the leaves, that after staggering about forsome time itdropped into a deep but troubled sleep for the space offour hours, after which it woke free from all sign of suffering; but neverwould touch the leaves again. After this Steller's Russian servantstook to intoxicating themselves with the leaves, without any bad effects.Pallas and Koelpin assert that a strong decoction of the leaves is of thegreatest service in chronic rheumatism, and even in venereal complaints ;but that it is dangerous in acute rheumatism. Its value as a means ofremoving arthritic complaints has also been highly spoken of. FinallyPallas mentions an inveterate case of nervous sciatica, which hadbrought the patient to a state of lameness and deplorable emaciation,which was completely cured by perseverance in the use of the leavesfor 2 years. No subsequent inconvenience was experienced, nor anysigns of habitual drunkenness, although the dose was as much as 4fluid ounces of the concentrated infusion daily.AZALEA.Calyx 5-leaved, small, equal, herbaceous. Corolla funnelshaped,usually with a long tube, with a spreading unequal limb.Stamens usually 5, declinate; anthers without appendages,opening by 2 terminal pores. Capsule 5-celled, 5-valved, septicidal.Shrubs with thin, papery, usually deciduous leaves.779. A. pontica Linn. sp. pi. 427. Pall. fl.ross. i. 51. t. 69,378

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