Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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EXOSTEMA.extremely bitter, and their juice produces a burning itching in thenostrils and lips. Jacq. The bark is febrifugal and emetic. It has anauseous smell, and is excessively bitter and disagreeable. Dr. Wrightdescribes the flavour as at first sweet with a mixture of horseradishand aromatics, afterwards excessively bitter. According to Guibourtthe little crystalline points with which it sparkles when broken are someprinciple peculiar to this bark.858. E. floribundum R. and S. v. 19. DC.prodr.iv. 360.Cinchona floribunda Swartz fl.ind. occ. 375. Lamb, cinch. 27.t. 7. C. montana Badier journ. phys. 1789, febr. cxxix. t. 1.C. Sanctae Luciae David, phil. trans. 74. C. Luciana Vittm.summ. suppl.i. 264. West India islands, among woods, bythe side of torrents.Leaves elliptical, acuminate, 5-6 inches long, smooth like thepeduncles and flowers. Peduncles terminal, corymbose. Teeth ofthe calyx short, acute. Corolla 3 times shorter than the leaves.Capsule turbinate, smooth. Bark similar to the last, but ratherdrastic. Pelletier and Caventou found in it neither quinine nor cinchonine.It is called both Quinquina Piton and Quinquina of St. Lucia.860. E. Souzanum Mart. Linncea lift. 1830, p. 45. DC.prodr.iv. 361. Brazil.Leaves obovate or ovate, acute, smooth. Corymbs few-flowered,terminal. Capsules scarcely an inch long, obovate, compressed.Valves with about 4 nerves. Seeds transversely oblong, with a broadwing all round. According to Guibourt this plant produces an excessivelybitter febrifugal bark called Quinquina de Piauhi. It coloursthe saliva yellow, and is said to contain cinchonine. Buchner foundin it an alkali which he called Esenbeckine, upon the erroneous suptionthat the bark belonged to Esenbeckia febrifuga.861. E. peruvianum Humb. and i.Bonpl.pl. ceq. 133. t. 38.DC. prodr. iv. 360. Cinchona peruviana Poir. diet, suppl.iv. 640. Colder parts of Peru on the side of the Andes betweenthe river Chota and the village of Querocotillo.Leaves ovate-oblong, acute, rounded at base, the upper sessile andcordate. Corymbs terminal, sessile. Peduncles and calyx downy.Corolla silky outside, its lobes scarcely shorter than the tube. Filamentssmooth, united to the tube at the orifice. Stigma obsoletely2-lobed. Calyx-teeth acute. This has a very bitter bark, a littlesweet, with a nauseous smell, according to Guibourt.MANETTIA.Limb of calyx 4-5-lobed, often with secondary lobes interposedbetween the principal ones. Corolla funnel-shaped,with a terete or quadrangular tube, a hairy throat, and a 4-5-lobed limb. Anthers sessile in the throat of the corolla. Capsuleovate, compressed, crowned with the lobes of the calyx.Seeds peltate, girded by a usually toothed border. Herbaceous431

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