Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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This is merely introduced because it produces the Ergot, which is bymany botanists considered a morbid condition of the grain of Rye. Ihowever agree with those who regard this substance as a fungus ;seeSpennoedia Clavus.1296. Bromus mollis Linn. Mr. Pereira states upon the authorityof Mr. Loudon that the grains of this plant bring ongiddiness in the human species and quadrupeds, and are fatal topoultry.1297. Bromus purgans Linn, in Canada, and1298. Bromus catharticus VahL, a Peruvian plant, are said, theone to be emetic, the latter purgative; but, as Mr. Pereira remarks,these statements require further proof, for Bromus secalinus,which was asserted by some writers also to be poisonous, has beenfound by Cordier to be innocuous. <strong>Medica</strong>l Gazette xvii. p. 4.1299. Festuca quadridentata HBK. i. 154. t. 160. Pereirain Med. Gaz. xvii. 5. fig. 6. Sesleria quitensis Spreng syst.1. 329. Quito,Humboldt tells us that this plant is very poisonous, and was fatalto animals j it is called Pigouil by the natives of Quito.1300. Avena sativa Linn, yields Embden and other groats,a common article of food among the sick ;but it is scarcelymedicinal.ANDROPOGON.Spikelets in pairs, the terminal ones in threes ;one completeand awned, the other 1 or 2 withering, sterile, awnless (in mostcases) the former 2-flowered, the ; upper floret being neuterwith 1palea, the lower 5", or rarely with 2 paleae. Glumes2, awnless, becoming hard and leathery. Paleae smaller, hyaline,the lowest in the

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