Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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LAURACE.E.3 interior stamens. Stigma peltate. Fruit berried, placed onthe expanded tube of the calyx. Involucres deciduous. Leavesvariable, with pinnate veins, in some nearly opposite.700. T. Roxburghii Nees Laurin. 515. Sebifera glutinosaLour cochin, ii, 783. Litsea sebifera Pers. synops. ii. p.4. Tomexsebifera Willd. sp. pL ii. 84-0. Tetranthera apetala Roxb.corom. pi. ii. t. 147. Mountains of India ;the Circars, Goalpara,Monghir, Chittagong, Sylhet, Cochin-china, Java.A variable plant. Leaves ovate-oblong, acute at the base, smoothand shining above, more or less downy beneath. Umbels rather compound,nearly white. Flowers apetalous. Stamens more than 9.Involucre 4-leaved : the leaves roundish, concave, hoary on the outside.Fruit globose, black, about the size of a pea. The fruit yields a greasyexudation, from which the Chinese manufacture candles of bad quality,and which serves as the basis of salves. The leaves and branches arefull of a glutinous matter which is readily communicated to water inwhich they are bruised.LAURUS.Flowers dioecious or hermaphrodite, involucrated. Calyx4-parted; segments equal, deciduous. Fertile stamens 12 in3 rows ; the outer alternate with the segments of the calyx ; allwith 2 glands in the middle or above it. Anthers oblong,2-celled, all looking inwards. ? with 2-4 castrated malessurrounding the ovary. Stigma capitate. Fruit succulent, seatedin the irregular base of the calyx Umbels axillary, stalked.Leaf buds with valvate papery scales. Leaves evergreen.701. L. nobilis Linn. sp. pi. 529. N. and E. handb.416. pi. med. t. 132. Nees Laurin. 579. La

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