Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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A RISTOLOCHI ACEj.enlarges into a furrowed obovate ovary. The calyx, like others in thissingular genus, consists of a long contorted tube, bent in the form o.the letter S, swelling at its two extremities, having its throat surroundedby an elevated edge or brim, and its border expanded into a broad irregularmargin, forming an upper and under lip, which are closed in atriangular manner in the bud. The anthers are 1 2 in number, growingin pairs to the sides of the fleshy style, which is situated in the bottomof the calyx, and covered by a firm, spreading convoluted stigma,which extends over the anthers. Capsule obovate, 6-angled, 6-celied,with numerous small flat seeds. Bigehw. The root has a penetratingresinous smell, and a pungent bitter taste. It acts as a stimulant, tonic,diaphoretic, and in certain cases as an antispasmodic and anodyne. Itis peculiarly useful in supporting the strength and in allaying the irregularaction which attend great febrile debility. Dr. " Chapman considersit admirably suited to check vomiting and to tranquillise the stomach,more particularlyin bilious cases."709. A. pallida Willd. sp.pl. iv. J62.;710. A. longa Linn. sp.1364-. ;711. A. boetica Linn. sp. 1363.;712. A. sempervirens Linn.sp. 1363.; and713. A. rotunda Linn. sp. 1364., are slightly aromatic stimulatingtonics useful in the latter stages of low fever ;the tasteis bitter and acrid ;the odour strong and disagreeable. Theyare said to be sudorific, and have been employed as emmenagoguesin amenorhoaa. They are supposed to be the plantswith which the Egyptian jugglers stupify the snakes they playwith.714. A. Clematitis Linn. sp. pi 1364. Eng. Bot. t. 398. SmithEng. Fl. iv. 377. Waste places in a few localities in England,common on the continent (Birthwort.)Root perennial. Stem erect, smooth, about 3 feet high, simple,flexuose, emitting an Elder-like disagreeable smell when bruised, tumidand polished at the nodes. Leaves alternate, smooth, roundish-ovate,entire, obtuse, reniform at the base, with pedate veins ; petiole as longas the lamina, furrowed, smooth. Flowers pedicellate, clustered, axillary,erect or pendulous, shorter than the petioles. Calyx dull paleyellow, inflated at the base, with a straight cylindrical tube, slightlyhairy internally, and an oblique, ovate, emarginate, obtuse concave limb.Column very small, roundish, depressed, slightly triangular, with 1-sessile2-celled anther on each angle and face. The roots are powerfullystimulating, when fresh they have a very disagreeable smell. They havebeen chiefly employed as aids to difficult parturition.715. The Guaco of the Caraccas, reported to be a powerfulremedy for the bites of serpents, is said by Dr. Hancock to besome plant of this genus.ASARUM.Calyx bell-shaped, coriaceous, coloured, permanent, in 3 ratherdeep, upright segments, with incurved points. Filaments 12,344

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