Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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DELPHINIUM*DELPHINIUM.Sepals deciduous, petaloid, irregular: the upper prolongedat the back into a spur. Petals 4 ;the two upper extended atthe base into appendages inclosed within the spur.29. D. Consolida Linn. sp. pi. 748. FL Dan. t. 683. Eng.Bot. t. 1839. DC.prodr.i. 51. Corn fields all over Europe ;also the Crimea, and North America, where it has possibly beenintroduced.Root simple, slender. Herbage downy, especially the stem andcapsule. Stem l|-2feet high, erect, leafy, with alternate spreadingbranches. Leaves'sessile, in many deep divisions, which are 3-cleft andsubdivided into narrow linear acute segments. Racemes terminal, lax,of but few flowers. Bracts simple or divided, longer than the pedicels.Flowers bright blue or purple. Corolla monopetalous; two spurscombined in one. Seeds angular, black, very rough. A tincture ofthe seed in closes of 20-30 drops has been recommended in asthma ;it produces slight nausea, but in over doses is injurious. The leaves andstalks are said to enter into the composition of some cosmetics, which,although efficient at first, are found by continued use to be very destructiveto the skin. Burnett.30. D. Staphisagria Linn. sp. pi. 750. Fl. Grcec. t. 508.Woodv. t. 154. S. and C.i. t. 55. ZTap*

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