zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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106 BACTERIOSES1% alum dips. In chronic cases, an intramuscular injection of 70 mg of strep<strong>to</strong>mycin<strong>and</strong> 70,000 units of penicillin may be administered two months before shearing.This drug therapy seems <strong>to</strong> be very effective <strong>and</strong> prevents difficulties in shearing.The use of antibiotics (strep<strong>to</strong>mycin, penicillin, <strong>and</strong> others) was effective in producingclinical cure or improvement in affected animals, but did not always eliminatethe causal agent.The infection is controlled by isolating or eliminating chronically sick animals<strong>and</strong> combating ec<strong>to</strong>parasites. Externally applied insecticides are used <strong>to</strong> combat bitinginsects.The study of a vaccine against animal derma<strong>to</strong>philosis is in an experimental stage(Sutherl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Robertson, 1988; How et al., 1990).BibliographyAinsworth, G.C., P.K.C. Austwick. Fungal Diseases of Animals. 2nd ed. Farnham Royal,Slough, United Kingdom: Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau; 1973.Bida, S.A., S.M. Dennis. Sequential pathological changes in natural <strong>and</strong> experimental derma<strong>to</strong>philosisin Bunaji cattle. Res Vet Sci 22:18–22, 1977.Carter, G.R. Diagnostic Procedures in Veterinary Microbiology. 2nd ed. Springfield:Thomas; 1973.Dean, D.J., M.A. Gordon, C.W. Sveringhaus, E.T. Kroll, J.R. Reilly. Strep<strong>to</strong>thricosis: Anew zoonotic disease. N Y State J Med 61:1283–1287, 1961.Gherardi, S.G., N. Monzu, S.S. Sutherl<strong>and</strong>, K.G. Johnson, G.M. Robertson. The associationbetween body strike <strong>and</strong> derma<strong>to</strong>philosis of sheep under controlled conditions. Aust Vet J57:268–271, 1981.Gordon, M.A. The genus Derma<strong>to</strong>philus. J Bacteriol 88:508–522, 1964.How, S.J., D.H. Lloyd, A.B. S<strong>and</strong>ers. Vaccination against Derma<strong>to</strong>philus congolensis infectionin ruminants: Prospects for control. In: Tcharnev C., R. Halliwell, eds. Advances inVeterinary Derma<strong>to</strong>logy. London: Baillière Tindall; 1990.Kaplan, W. Derma<strong>to</strong>philosis in man <strong>and</strong> lower animals: A review. In: Proceedings of theFifth International Conference on the Mycoses. Superficial, cutaneous, <strong>and</strong> subcutaneousinfections. Caracas, Venezuela, 27–30 April 1980. Washing<strong>to</strong>n, D.C.: Pan American HealthOrganization; 1980. (Scientific Publication 396).Koney, E.B.M., A.N. Morrow. Strep<strong>to</strong>thricosis in cattle on the coastal plains of Ghana: Acomparison of the disease in animals reared under two different management systems. TropAnim Health Prod 22:89–94, 1990.Makinde, A.A., K.A. Majiyagbe. Serodiagnosis of Derma<strong>to</strong>philus congolensis infection bycounterimmunoelectrophoresis. Res Vet Sci 33:265–269, 1982.Pier, A.C. Géneros Actinomyces, Nocardia y Derma<strong>to</strong>philus. In: Merchant, I.A., R.A.Packer. Bacteriología veterinaria. 3.ª ed. Zaragoza, España: Acribia; 1970.Portugal, M.A.C.S., L. Baldassi. A derma<strong>to</strong>filose no Brasil. Revisão bibliográfica. Arq InstBiol 47:53–58, 1980.Roberts, D.S. Derma<strong>to</strong>philus infection. Vet Bull 37:513–521, 1967.S<strong>and</strong>ers, A.B., S.J. How, D.H. Lloyd, R. Hill. The effect of energy malnutrition in ruminantson experimental infection with Derma<strong>to</strong>philus congolensis. J Comp Pathol103:361–368, 1990.Sutherl<strong>and</strong>, S.S., G.M. Robertson. Vaccination against ovine derma<strong>to</strong>philosis. Vet Microbiol18:285–295, 1988.

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