zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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356 MYCOSESRichard, J.L. Sporotrichosis. In: Hubbert, W.T., W.F. McCulloch, P.R. Schnurrenberger,eds. Diseases Transmitted from Animals <strong>to</strong> Man. 6th ed. Springfield: Thomas; 1975.Zamri-Saad, M., T.S. Salmiyah, S. Jasni, et al. Feline sporotrichosis: An increasinglyimportant zoonotic disease in Malaysia. Vet Rec 127:480, 1990.ZYGOMYCOSISICD-10 B46.0 pulmonary mucormycosis; B46.1 rhinocerebral mucormycosis;B46.2 gastrointestinal mucormycosis; B46.3 cutaneous mucormycosis;B46.4 disseminated mucormycosis; B46.8 other zygomycosesSynonyms: Mucormycosis, en<strong>to</strong>mophthoromycosis.Etiology: Zygomycosis denotes a group of <strong>diseases</strong> caused by several genera <strong>and</strong>species of fungi belonging <strong>to</strong> the class Zygomycetes, orders En<strong>to</strong>mophthorales <strong>and</strong>Mucorales. Consequently, the etiologic agents are numerous; the principal ones arementioned below in connection with the different <strong>diseases</strong> they cause, which can besubdivided in<strong>to</strong> en<strong>to</strong>mophthoromycoses <strong>and</strong> mucormycoses (CIOMS, 1982).All the zygomycetes develop as hyphae <strong>and</strong> appear in the environment as well asin tissue as filamen<strong>to</strong>us fungi. Sabouraud’s agar is an excellent culture medium forthese fungi, in which they develop at ambient temperature. The sporangiophores(specialized hyphae that support sporangia) contain many asexual spores (Carter <strong>and</strong>Chengappa, 1991).Geographic Distribution: Worldwide. Mucormycosis has no defined geographicdistribution. En<strong>to</strong>mophthoromycosis predominates in the tropics, particularly inAfrica <strong>and</strong> Asia.Occurrence in Man: It occurs sporadically, particularly in patients weakened byother <strong>diseases</strong>. However, in the 1970s there was an epidemic of cutaneous zygomycosisin the United States caused by contamination of elastic b<strong>and</strong>ages with the fungus.The clinical manifestation was cellulitis, caused by direct inoculation of the fungusthrough the b<strong>and</strong>ages. The infection was invasive in some patients <strong>and</strong> affectedmuscles <strong>and</strong> internal organs (Sugar, 1990). At present, the incidence of zygomycosisis increasing because of the longer survival of diabetics <strong>and</strong> the growing number ofimmunosuppressed patients. Despite its broad diffusion in nature <strong>and</strong> the likelihoodthat humans will come in<strong>to</strong> contact with spores, this is not a very frequent mycosis.It is possible that the incidence of mucormycoses is higher in the developed countries,given the higher survival rate of diabetics <strong>and</strong> the number of immunosuppressedpatients. In a hospital in Washing<strong>to</strong>n, D.C., 730 cases of mucormycoses were recordedbetween 1966 <strong>and</strong> 1988. Of 170 cases of en<strong>to</strong>mophthoromycosis caused byBasidiobolus hap<strong>to</strong>sporus described up <strong>to</strong> 1975, 112 occurred in Africa. To these casesshould be added 75 cases in Ug<strong>and</strong>a that became known later (Kelly et al., 1980). Thisdisease also occurs in Southeast Asia <strong>and</strong> Latin America. En<strong>to</strong>mophthoromycosis due<strong>to</strong> the genus Conidiobolus also occurs in the tropics <strong>and</strong> is more <strong>common</strong> among men(CIOMS, 1982).

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