zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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164 BACTERIOSESThe same diagnostic procedures are employed for animals as for man. Blood orurine may be used for the bacteriologic examination, depending on the stage of theillness. If a necropsy is performed on a sacrificed or dead animal, kidney culturesshould be made. Examination of several tissue samples from the same individual isnot always easily done in veterinary practice, but individual diagnosis of domesticanimals is not as important as herd diagnosis. Discovery of high antibody titers inseveral members of a herd <strong>and</strong> a clinical picture compatible with lep<strong>to</strong>spirosis indicatea recent infection.Low titers may indicate residual antibodies from a past infection or recentlyformed antibodies that have not yet had time <strong>to</strong> reach a high level.The serologic reference test that is used most for man as well as for animals ismicroscopic agglutination (MAT). This test should be carried out using representativeserovars from different serogroups, especially those occurring in the region. Itis necessary <strong>to</strong> bear in mind that cross-reactions are produced not only betweendifferent serovars of the same serogroup but, at the beginning of the infection(two <strong>to</strong> three weeks), also between serovars of different serogroups, <strong>and</strong> a heterologousserovar titer may predominate. Reaction <strong>to</strong> the homologous serovarbecomes more pronounced with time. Cross-reactions are much more frequent inman than in animals.The macroscopic plate test with inactivated antigens can be used as a preliminaryor screening test for man <strong>and</strong> animals. It is fast <strong>and</strong> easy, <strong>and</strong> particularly useful fordiagnosing disease in a herd.Plate agglutination is a genus-specific test, which uses as an antigen the pa<strong>to</strong>cstrain of saprophytic lep<strong>to</strong>spira (L. biflexa) <strong>to</strong> determine if the patient is sufferingfrom lep<strong>to</strong>spirosis (Mazzonelli et al., 1974). Reaction <strong>to</strong> this test is marked duringthe acute phase of lep<strong>to</strong>spirosis <strong>and</strong> then quickly becomes negative (Faine, 1982).Among more recent tests, those of interest are indirect immunofluorescence<strong>and</strong> enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). With both, the types ofimmunoglobulins (IgM or IgG) can be determined by using the correspondingantigens. IgM appears after the first week of the disease <strong>and</strong> IgG appears afterseveral weeks. In some human cases, IgG antibodies cannot be detected for reasonsas yet unknown.The utility of ELISA for diagnosing infection due <strong>to</strong> hardjo was compared withMAT. It was found that a positive reaction can be obtained with MAT 10 days afterthe animal has been experimentally infected; ELISA does not give a positive reactionuntil 25 days after infection. In addition, there was a 90% concordance betweenboth tests. Cross-reactions with sera from animals inoculated with other serotypesoccurred in fewer than 1% (Bercovich et al., 1990).The serovar hardjo is subdivided in<strong>to</strong> subserovars or genotypes: hardjo genotypehardjo-bovis <strong>and</strong> hardjo genotype prajitno. A DNA probe for genotype hardjo-boviswas developed by LeFebvre (1987). Three methods for detecting hardjo type hardjoboviswere compared: with DNA hybridization, 60 of the 75 urine samples fromcows experimentally exposed were positive; with immunofluorescence, 24 sampleswere positive; <strong>and</strong> with culturing, only 13 were positive. The DNA probe was shown<strong>to</strong> be much more sensitive than the other techniques in detecting the genotypehardjo-bovis (Bolin et al., 1989a).A very sensitive generic test is polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which can detectas few as 10 lep<strong>to</strong>spires (Mérien et al., 1992).

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