zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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CANDIDIASIS 317tion may occur in any organ, it is most frequent in the eyes, kidneys, lung, spleen,<strong>and</strong> the CNS, as well as around a cardiac value prosthesis or in the bones.The antimycotic recommended for mucosal <strong>and</strong> skin c<strong>and</strong>idiasis is nystatin; clotrimazoleis also effective. Amphotericin B or fluconazole are used <strong>to</strong> treat other sites.A cooperative study in 18 medical centers in Europe evaluated the efficacy,harmlessness, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>lerance of oral fluconazole (50 mg/day in a single dose) <strong>and</strong>of polyenes (oral amphotericin B at 2 g/day or nystatin at 4 million units/day infour or more doses) in preventing mycotic infection. The study included 536patients hospitalized with a malignant disease who were about <strong>to</strong> receivechemotherapy, radiotherapy, or bone marrow transplants, including patients whoalready had neutropenia or who were expected <strong>to</strong> develop it. Treatment was administeredfor approximately 30 days. Oral fluconazole proved <strong>to</strong> be more effectivethan the oral polyenes in preventing buccopharyngeal infection <strong>and</strong> was equallyeffective in preventing infections in other parts of the body in patients with neutropenia.Side effects were recorded in 5.6% of 269 patients in the group treatedwith fluconazole <strong>and</strong> 5.2% of 267 patients treated with polyenes. These reactionsled <strong>to</strong> a discontinuation of treatment in seven patients in each group (Philpott-Howard et al., 1993).The Disease in Animals: C<strong>and</strong>idiasis in chicks, poults, <strong>and</strong> other fowl is usuallysporadic. Epidemic outbreaks sometimes occur, particularly in poults, with mortalityranging from 8% <strong>to</strong> 20%. Avian c<strong>and</strong>idiasis is an infection of the upper respira<strong>to</strong>rysystem. In young birds it sometimes has an acute course, with nervous symp<strong>to</strong>ms.However, the disease is generally asymp<strong>to</strong>matic <strong>and</strong> diagnosis occurspostmortem. The most frequent lesion is found in the crop <strong>and</strong> consists of plaquesthat resemble curdled milk <strong>and</strong> adhere lightly <strong>to</strong> the mucosa. In adult birds, c<strong>and</strong>idiasishas a chronic course <strong>and</strong> causes thickening of the crop wall, on which a yellowishnecrotic material accumulates. In Israel, a strange epidemic of a venereal diseasein geese that affected many farms was described. The disease began withreddening <strong>and</strong> tumefaction of the mucosa of the penis or cloaca; the lesion laterbecame gangrenous <strong>and</strong> a portion of the penis was lost. Examinations indicated amixed flora of bacteria <strong>and</strong> C. albicans. Experimental inoculation of the bacterialflora did not affect the birds; in contrast, it was possible <strong>to</strong> reproduce the diseasewith C. albicans isolated from the lesions.Oral c<strong>and</strong>idiasis occurs sporadically in calves, colts, lambs, swine, dogs, cats, labora<strong>to</strong>rymice <strong>and</strong> guinea pigs, as well as in zoo animals. C<strong>and</strong>ida spp. can, on rareoccasions, lead <strong>to</strong> mastitis <strong>and</strong> abortions in cattle. A systemic disease due <strong>to</strong> C. albicans,with lesions in various organs, was reported in calves that underwent prolongedtreatment with antibiotics. Skin lesions <strong>and</strong> thrush have been described in cats.Source of Infection <strong>and</strong> Mode of Transmission: C. albicans occurs as a componen<strong>to</strong>f the normal flora in the digestive system of a high percentage of healthyindividuals <strong>and</strong> animals. The yeast is also found in nature.In young fowl, C. albicans is probably a primary etiologic agent, while in manc<strong>and</strong>idiasis is almost always associated with other <strong>diseases</strong>. Prolonged treatmentwith antibiotics, cy<strong>to</strong><strong>to</strong>xic agents, <strong>and</strong> corticosteroids is a predisposing fac<strong>to</strong>r. Theuse <strong>and</strong> abuse of antibiotics over an extended period is an important fac<strong>to</strong>r in theproliferation of <strong>and</strong> later infection by C<strong>and</strong>ida <strong>and</strong> other fungi, in that they alter thenatural flora of the mucosal surfaces.

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