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zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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DISEASES IN MAN AND ANIMALS CAUSED BY NON-O1 VIBRIO CHOLERAE 121Control <strong>and</strong> Prevention: The few recommendations that can be made are not <strong>to</strong>eat raw or inadequately cooked shellfish <strong>and</strong> other seafood, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> drink onlypotable water.To prevent infection by serogroup O139, the same recommendations as for classiccholera (serogroup O1) apply.BibliographyAldová, E., K. Laznickova, E. Stepankova, J. Lietava. Isolation of nonagglutinable vibriosfrom an enteritis outbreak in Czechoslovakia. J Infect Dis 118:25–31, 1968. Cited in: Morris,J.G., Jr. Non-O group 1 Vibrio cholerae: A look at the epidemiology of an occasionalpathogen. Epidemiol Rev 12:179–191, 1990.Benenson, A.S. Cholera. In: Evans, A.S., P.S. Brachman, eds. Bacterial Infections ofHumans. 2nd ed. New York: Plenum Medical Book Co.; 1991.Corrales, M.T., G.B. Fronchkowsky, T. Eiguer. Aislamien<strong>to</strong> en Argentina de Vibrio choleraeno O1 en líquidos cloacales. Rev Argent Microbiol 21:71–77, 1989.Dakin, W.P., D.J. Howell, R.G. Sut<strong>to</strong>n, et al. Gastroenteritis due <strong>to</strong> non-agglutinable(non-cholera) vibrios. Med J Aust 2:487–490, 1974. Cited in: Morris, J.G., Jr. Non-O group 1Vibrio cholerae: A look at the epidemiology of an occasional pathogen. Epidemiol Rev12:179–191, 1990.Das, B., R.K. Ghosh, C. Sharma, et al. T<strong>and</strong>em repeats of cholera <strong>to</strong>xin gene in Vibriocholerae O139. Lancet 342(8880):1173–1174, 1993.Fain Binda, J.C., E.R. Comba, H. Sánchez, et al. Primer aislamien<strong>to</strong> de Vibrio cholerae noO1 en la Argentina de una enteritis bovina. Rev Med Vet 67:203–207, 1986.Girouard, Y., C. Gaudreau, G. Frechette, M. Lorange-Rodriques. Non-O1 Vibrio choleraeenterocolitis in Quebec <strong>to</strong>urists returning from the Dominican Republic. Can Commun DisRep 18:105–107, 1992.Kamal, A.M. Outbreak of gastroenteritis by nonagglutinable (NAG) vibrios in the Republicof the Sudan. J Egypt Public Health Assoc 46:125–173, 1971. Cited in: Benenson, A.S.Cholera. In: Evans, A.S., P.S. Brachman, eds. Bacterial Infections of Humans. 2nd ed. NewYork: Plenum Medical Book Co.; 1991.Kaper, J., H. Lockman, R.R. Colwell, S.W. Joseph. Ecology, serology, <strong>and</strong> entero<strong>to</strong>xin productionof Vibrio cholerae in Chesapeake Bay. Appl Environ Microbiol 37:91–103, 1979.Morris, J.G., Jr. Non-O group 1 Vibrio cholerae: A look at the epidemiology of an occasionalpathogen. Epidemiol Rev 12:179–191, 1990.Morris, J.G., Jr., T. Takeda, B.D. Tall, et al. Experimental non-O group 1 Vibrio choleraegastroenteritis in humans. J Clin Invest 85:697–705, 1990.Nair, G.B., Y. Takeda. Vibrio cholerae in disguise: A disturbing entity. Wld J MicrobiolBiotech 9:399–400, 1993.Rhodes, J.B., D. Schweitzer, J.E. Ogg. Isolation of non-O1 Vibrio cholerae associated withenteric disease of herbivores in western Colorado. J Clin Microbiol 22:572–575, 1985.Rhodes, J.B., H.L. Smith, Jr., J.E. Ogg. Isolation of non-O1 Vibrio cholerae serovars fromsurface waters in western Colorado. Appl Environ Microbiol 51:1216–1219, 1986.Sack, R.B. A search for canine carriers of Vibrio. J Infect Dis 127:709–712, 1973.Sanyal, S.C., S.J. Singh, I.C. Tiwari, et al. Role of household animals in maintenance ofcholera infection in a community. J Infect Dis 130:575–579, 1974.Smith, H.L. Serotyping of non-cholera vibrios. J Clin Microbiol 30:279–282, 1977.Soloaga, R., G. Martínez, A. Cattani, et al. Peri<strong>to</strong>nitis bacteriana espontánea y sepsis porVibrio cholerae no O1. Infect Microbiol Clin 3:58–62, 1991.Taylor, D.N., P. Echeverría, C. Pitarangsi, et al. Application of DNA hybridization techniquesin the assessment of diarrheal disease among refugees in Thail<strong>and</strong>. Am J Epidemiol

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