zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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ACTINOMYCOSISICD-10 A42.9Synonyms: Actinostrep<strong>to</strong>trichosis, m<strong>and</strong>ibular cancer, ray fungus disease.Etiology: Actinomyces israelii is the principal etiologic agent in man, <strong>and</strong> A.bovis the main one in animals. A. naeslundi, A. viscosus, A. odon<strong>to</strong>lytical, A. meyeri<strong>and</strong> Arachnia propionica (A. propionicus) are isolated less often, although A. viscosusplays an important role in canine actinomycosis. Some reports indicate isolationof A. israelii from animals (Georg, 1974) <strong>and</strong> A. bovis from man (Brunner et al.,1973). Actinomyces are higher bacteria with many characteristics of fungi. They aregram-positive, do not produce spores, are non–acid-fast, range from anaerobic <strong>to</strong>microaerophilic, <strong>and</strong> are part of the normal flora of the mouth <strong>and</strong> of women’s genitaltract (Burden, 1989).Geographic Distribution: Worldwide.Occurrence in Man: Infrequent; however, data are very limited. Fewer than 100cases of the disease are recorded each year by the Public Health Labora<strong>to</strong>ryService’s Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre in Great Britain (Burden,1989). According <strong>to</strong> older data, 368 cases were recorded in Wales <strong>and</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> over12 years (1957–1968), with an incidence of 0.665 per million inhabitants, with ahigher incidence among industrial workers (Wilson, 1984). In Scotl<strong>and</strong>, the annualincidence was three per million <strong>and</strong> the rate of attack was 10 times higher in agriculturalworkers than among others.The his<strong>to</strong>rical ratio of two cases in men <strong>to</strong> one in women is probably no longervalid because of the number of cases of genital actinomycosis in women usingintrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs).Occurrence in Animals: The frequency of the disease varies widely amongregions <strong>and</strong> is also influenced by different lives<strong>to</strong>ck management practices. The diseaseusually appears as sporadic cases. Small outbreaks have occurred in somemarshy areas of the United States <strong>and</strong> the former Soviet Union.The Disease in Man: A. israelii, the main causal agent in man, is a normal componen<strong>to</strong>f the flora of the mouth. As a result of wounds or surgery, it can enter thesoft tissues <strong>and</strong> bones, where it causes a suppurative granuloma<strong>to</strong>us process tha<strong>to</strong>pens <strong>to</strong> the surface through fistulas. Several clinical forms have been identifiedaccording <strong>to</strong> their location: cervicofacial, thoracic, abdominal, <strong>and</strong> generalized.Cervicofacial, which is the most <strong>common</strong> (from 50% <strong>to</strong> more than 70% of cases), isusually caused by a <strong>to</strong>oth extraction or a jaw injury; it begins with a hard swellingunder the mucous membrane of the mouth, beneath the periosteum of the m<strong>and</strong>ible,or in the skin of the neck. At a later stage, softened areas, depressions, <strong>and</strong> openings<strong>to</strong> the exterior with a purulent discharge are evident. These secretions usually containthe characteristic “sulphur granules,” which are actinomyces colonies. The thoracicform is generally caused by breathing the etiologic agent in<strong>to</strong> the bronchialtubes where it establishes a chronic bronchopneumonia that affects the lower portionsof the right lung (Burden, 1989), with symp<strong>to</strong>ms similar <strong>to</strong> pulmonary tuberculosis.As the disease progresses, invasion of the thoracic wall <strong>and</strong> its perforation3

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