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zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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232 BACTERIOSESmuch more accurate <strong>to</strong> collect material from a bronchial sample obtained throughpercutaneous thoracic aspiration, or biopsy during a lobec<strong>to</strong>my. R. equi can sometimesbe found in cultures with a variety of other bacteria <strong>and</strong> may be inadvertentlydiscarded as “diphtheroid.” The etiologic agent could be isolated from the blood ofapproximately one-third of human patients with pneumonia (Prescott, 1991).Control: There are no practical measures for protecting humans or foals. It ismore reasonable <strong>to</strong> prevent <strong>diseases</strong> that predispose humans <strong>to</strong> infection by R. equi,particularly AIDS. Another measure could be <strong>to</strong> reduce the dose of immunosuppressivemedications whenever possible.There are no preventive vaccines for equine rhodococcosis. On horse-breedingfarms, the accumulation of feces <strong>and</strong> resulting multiplication of R. equi should notbe permitted. Dusty conditions should be avoided in <strong>and</strong> around stables. On endemicfarms, it is recommended that foals be examined frequently in the first months oflife <strong>and</strong> that sick foals be treated (Fraser et al., 1991).BibliographyBar<strong>to</strong>n, M.D., K.L. Hughes. Corynebacterium equi:A review. Vet Bull 50:65–80, 1980.Carman, M.G., R.T. Hodges. Distribution of Rhodococcus equi in animals, birds <strong>and</strong> fromthe environment. N Z Vet J 35:114–115, 1987.Fraser, C.M., J.A. Bergeron, A. Mays, S.E. Aiello, eds. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 7thed. Rahway: Merck; 1991.Harvey, R.L., J.C. Sunstrum. Rhodococcus equi infection in patients with <strong>and</strong> withouthuman immunodeficiency virus infection. Rev Infect Dis 13:139–145, 1991.Hietala, S.K., A.A. Ardans, A. Sansome. Detection of Corynebacterium equi-specific antibodyin horses by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Am J Vet Res 46:13–15, 1985.Mutimer, M.D., J.B. Woolcock, B.R. Sturgess. Corynebacterium equi in human faeces.Med J Aust 2:422, 1979. Cited in: Prescott, J.F. Rhodococcus equi: An animal <strong>and</strong> humanpathogen. Clin Microbiol Rev 4:20–34, 1991.Prescott, J.F. Rhodococcus equi: An animal <strong>and</strong> human pathogen. Clin Microbiol Rev4:20–34, 1991.Takai, S., K. Koike, S. Ohbushi, et al. Identification of 15- <strong>to</strong> 17-kilodal<strong>to</strong>n antigens associatedwith virulent Rhodococcus equi. J Clin Microbiol 29:439–443, 1991a.Takai, S., S. Ohbushi, K. Koike, et al. Prevalence of virulent Rhodococcus equi in isolatesfrom soil <strong>and</strong> feces of horses from horse-breeding farms with <strong>and</strong> without endemic infections.J Clin Microbiol 29:2887–2889, 1991b.Takai, S., H. Ohkura, Y. Watanabe, S. Tsubaki. Quantitative aspects of fecal Rhodococcus(Corynebacterium) equi in foals. J Clin Microbiol 23:794–796, 1986.Timoney, J.F., J.H. Gillespie, F.W. Scott, J.E. Barlough. Hagan <strong>and</strong> Bruner’s Microbiology<strong>and</strong> Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals. 8th ed. Ithaca: Coms<strong>to</strong>ck; 1988.Van Etta, L.L., G.A. Filice, R.M. Ferguson, D.N. Gerding. Corynebacterium equi:A reviewof 12 cases of human infection. Rev Infect Dis 5:1012–1018, 1983.Yager, J.A. The pathogenesis of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals. Vet Microbiol14:225–232, 1987.

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