zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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158 BACTERIOSESthrough filters that block other bacteria. Two species are recognized: Lep<strong>to</strong>spirainterrogans <strong>and</strong> L. biflexa. L. interrogans is pathogenic for man <strong>and</strong> animals; L.biflexa, a free-living saprophyte found in surface waters, is seldom associated withinfection in mammals.The species of interest as a zoonotic agent is L. interrogans. It has more than 200serologic variants, or serovars, which constitutes the basic taxon. Serovars aregrouped for convenience in<strong>to</strong> 23 serogroups (which is not a recognized taxon) on thebasis of the predominant agglutinogenic components they share (Faine, 1982;Alex<strong>and</strong>er, 1991). Through the use of ribosomal RNA gene restriction patterns, anattempt is being made <strong>to</strong> characterize L. interrogans serovars in order <strong>to</strong> establishthe bases for molecular typing (Perolat et al., 1990).Geographic Distribution: Worldwide. There are universal serovars, such as L.interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae <strong>and</strong> serovar canicola, <strong>and</strong> serovars tha<strong>to</strong>ccur only in certain regions. Each region has characteristic serotypes, determinedby its ecology. Lep<strong>to</strong>spirosis has a high prevalence in tropical countries with heavyrainfall <strong>and</strong> neutral or alkaline soils.Occurrence in Man: Incidence varies in different parts of the world. The diseasemay occur sporadically or in epidemic outbreaks. In general, outbreaks are causedby exposure <strong>to</strong> water contaminated by the urine of infected animals. Several occupationalgroups are particularly at risk, such as workers in rice fields, sugarcaneplantations, mines, sewer systems, <strong>and</strong> slaughterhouses, as well as animal caretakers,veterinarians, <strong>and</strong> members of the military.Occurrence in Animals: The infection is <strong>common</strong> in rodents <strong>and</strong> other wild <strong>and</strong>domestic mammals. Worldwide, the infection occurs in approximately 160 mammalianspecies (Alex<strong>and</strong>er, 1991). Each serovar has its preferred animal host orhosts, but each animal species may be host <strong>to</strong> one or more serovars. Thus, for example,the serovar pomona has pigs <strong>and</strong> cattle as its principal hosts, but it may transi<strong>to</strong>rilyinfect other host animals. Dogs are the principal reservoir of canicola, but itmay occasionally be found in foxes, swine, <strong>and</strong> cattle.The Disease in Man: Man is susceptible <strong>to</strong> a large number of serovars. The incubationperiod lasts from one <strong>to</strong> two weeks, although cases with an incubation periodof only two days or more than three weeks are known. The disease is characterizedby two phases, the bacteremic phase, lasting 7 <strong>to</strong> 10 days, <strong>and</strong> the lep<strong>to</strong>spiruricphase, lasting from a week <strong>to</strong> several months. Clinical manifestations vary <strong>and</strong> havediffering degrees of severity. In addition, numerous cases of infection occur inapparentlyor subclinically. In general, two clinical types are distinguished: icteric <strong>and</strong>anicteric. The serious icteric, or hepa<strong>to</strong>nephritic, type (Weil’s disease) is much lessfrequent than the anicteric type. Some authors estimate that this form occurs inapproximately 10% of cases. It is often associated with infection caused by icterohaemorrhagiae,but this is not the only serovar that can produce it. On the otherh<strong>and</strong>, numerous infections caused by icterohaemorrhagiae occur in anicteric form.In the classical form of Weil’s disease, the onset of symp<strong>to</strong>ms is sudden, with fever,headache, myalgias, conjunctivitis, nausea, vomiting, <strong>and</strong> diarrhea or constipation.Prostration may be severe. Petechiae on the skin, hemorrhages in the gastrointestinaltract, <strong>and</strong> proteinuria are <strong>common</strong>. Hepa<strong>to</strong>megaly <strong>and</strong> jaundice, renal insufficiencywith marked oliguria or anuria, azotemia, <strong>and</strong> electrolyte imbalance develop

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