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zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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LEPROSY 155was used <strong>to</strong> detect a high percentage of multibacillary patients (Burgess et al.,1988). A variation of this test is the use of the synthetic disaccharide epi<strong>to</strong>pe ofPGL-1 as an antigen (Brett et al., 1986).Control: Control is based on early detection <strong>and</strong> chemotherapy. Given the multipleconfirmed cases of resistance <strong>to</strong> dapsone, combination of this medication withrifampicin is presently recommended for paucibacillary leprosy, <strong>and</strong> the same twomedications in combination with clofazimine are recommended for multibacillaryleprosy. Rifampicin has a rapid bactericidal effect <strong>and</strong> eliminates contagion inpatients in one <strong>to</strong> two weeks. To achieve the objective of eliminating leprosy, allpatients should receive polychemotherapy. This treatment has been successful inreducing general prevalence from 5.4 million in 1986 <strong>to</strong> 3.7 million in 1990.Widespread testing began in 1992 on a new oral treatment that was developed overthe preceding five years <strong>and</strong> combines two antibiotics, rifampicin <strong>and</strong> ofloxacin.Ofloxacin inhibits an enzyme that controls the way that DNA coils inside the bacterium.It is hoped that this combination will be able <strong>to</strong> cure leprosy in the course ofone month. If testing is successful, all patients should have access <strong>to</strong> this medication(<strong>WHO</strong>, 1992). The isolation of patients in leprosariums is no longer necessary, sincemedication is effective in suppressing infectiousness <strong>and</strong> thus interrupts transmissionof the disease.BibliographyAmezcua, M.E., A. Escobar-Gutierrez, E.E. S<strong>to</strong>rrs, et al. Wild Mexican armadillo with leprosy-likeinfection [letter]. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis 52:254–255, 1984.Bechelli, L.M., V. Martínez Domínguez. Further information on the leprosy problem in theworld. Bull World Health Organ 46:523–536, 1972. Cited in: Bullock, W.E. Mycobacteriumleprae (Leprosy). In: M<strong>and</strong>ell, G.L., R.G. Douglas, Jr., J.E. Bennett, eds. Principles <strong>and</strong>Practice of Infectious Diseases. 3rd ed. New York: Churchill Livings<strong>to</strong>ne, Inc.; 1990.Binford, C.H., W.M. Meyers, G.P. Walsh. Leprosy. JAMA 247:2283–2292, 1982.Binford, C.H., W.M. Meyers, G.P. Walsh, E.E. S<strong>to</strong>rrs, H.L. Brown. Naturally acquired leprosy-likedisease in the nine-b<strong>and</strong>ed armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus): His<strong>to</strong>pathologic <strong>and</strong>microbiologic studies of tissues. J Reticuloendothel Soc 22:377–388, 1977.Brett, S.J., S.N. Payne, J. Gigg, et al. Use of synthetic glycoconjugates containing theMycobacterium leprae specific <strong>and</strong> immunodominant epi<strong>to</strong>pe of phenolic glycolipid I in theserology of leprosy. Clin Experim Immunol 64:476–483, 1986.Brubaker, M. Leprosy Control in the Americas. Part I: General Considerations. In: Bolivar’sBicentennial Seminar on Leprosy Control: Report: Caracas 12–14 September 1983. PanAmerican Health Organization, 1983. (PNSP/84–05).Bullock, W.E. Leprosy (Hansen’s disease). In:Wyngaarden, J.B., L.H. Smith, Jr., eds. CecilTextbook of Medicine. 16th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1982.Bullock, W.E. Mycobacterium leprae (Leprosy). In: M<strong>and</strong>ell, G.L., R.G. Douglas, Jr., J.E.Bennett, eds. Principles <strong>and</strong> Practice of Infectious Diseases. 3rd ed. New York: ChurchillLivings<strong>to</strong>ne, Inc.; 1990.Burgess, P.J., P.E. Fine, J.M. Ponnighaus, C. Draper. Serological tests in leprosy. Thesensitivity, specificity <strong>and</strong> predictive value of ELISA tests based on phenolic glycolipid antigens,<strong>and</strong> the implications for their use in epidemiological studies. Epidemiol Infect101:159–171, 1988.Clark, K.A., S.H. Kim, L.F. Boening, et al. Leprosy in armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus)from Texas. J Wildl Dis 220–224, 1987.

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