zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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320 MYCOSESNegroni, P. Micosis cutáneas y viscerales. 5.ª ed. Buenos Aires: López; 1972.Odds, F.C., A.B. Abbott. A simple system for the presumptive identification of C<strong>and</strong>idaalbicans <strong>and</strong> differentiation of strains within the species. Sabouraudia 18:301–317, 1980.Odds, F.C., A.B. Abbott. Modification <strong>and</strong> extension of tests for differentiation of C<strong>and</strong>idaspecies <strong>and</strong> strains. Sabouraudia 21:79–81, 1983.Philpott-Howard, J.N., J.J. Wade, G.J. Mufti, et al. R<strong>and</strong>omized comparison of oral flucanozoleversus oral polyenes for the prevention of fungal infection in patients at risk of neutropenia.Multicentre Study Group. J Antimicrob Chemother 31:973–984, 1993.Soltys, M.A. Bacteria <strong>and</strong> Fungi Pathogenic <strong>to</strong> Man <strong>and</strong> Animals. London: Baillière-Tindall; 1963.Syrjanen, S., S.L. Valle, J. An<strong>to</strong>nen, et al. Oral c<strong>and</strong>idal infection as a sign of HIV infectionin homosexual men. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 65:36–40, 1988.Vázquez, J.A., V. Sánchez, C. Dmuchowski, et al. Nosocomial acquisition of C<strong>and</strong>ida albicans:An epidemiologic study. J Infect Dis 168:195–201, 1993.COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSISICD-10 B38.0 acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis; B38.1 chronic pulmonarycoccidioidomycosis; B38.3 cutaneous coccidioidomycosis; B38.7 disseminatedcoccidioidomycosis; B38.8 other forms of coccidioidomycosisSynonyms: Posada’s disease, San Joaquin Valley fever, desert fever.Etiology: Coccidioides immitis,a diphasic fungus that exists in the mycelial phasewhen it is a soil saprophyte, <strong>and</strong> in the spherule phase in organic tissues <strong>and</strong> fluids.The life cycle of C. immitis is unique among pathogenic fungi. The fungus occursin one phase in the natural environment, i.e., the soil of semiarid regions, <strong>and</strong> inanother when it is parasitic in the mammalian host. In the soil, C. immitis developsas a mycelium (a mass of filamen<strong>to</strong>us hyphae that make up the fungus). The cyclebegins with the arthroconidium, or arthrospore (spore formed in the hyphae), whichin a suitable medium germinates <strong>and</strong> forms a branching, septate mycelium. Whenthe mycelium fragments, it releases in<strong>to</strong> the air arthroconidia 2 <strong>to</strong> 5 microns in size.The parasitic phase begins with the inhalation of arthroconidia by man <strong>and</strong> animals.Arthroconidia grow <strong>to</strong> form thick-walled spherules 10 <strong>to</strong> 80 microns in diameter.The cy<strong>to</strong>plasm of the spherules divides <strong>to</strong> produce hundreds of endospores which,when released, disperse in<strong>to</strong> the surrounding tissue <strong>and</strong> give rise <strong>to</strong> new spherules.The parasitic cycle lasts from four <strong>to</strong> six days (Drutz <strong>and</strong> Huppert, 1983) <strong>and</strong> canrevert <strong>to</strong> the saprophytic or mycelial phase if the endospores reach the soil upon thedeath of the infected animal or through bodily excretions. The endospores give rise<strong>to</strong> hyphae <strong>and</strong> renew the cycle (Stevens, 1990). However, the mycelial cycle doesnot depend on this reversion as the hyphae contain large amounts of arthroconidiathat are dispersed by the wind <strong>and</strong> colonize new sites in the soil.Geographic Distribution: Limited <strong>to</strong> the Americas. The fungus is found in arid<strong>and</strong> semiarid areas of the United States Southwest, northwestern Mexico, Argentina,

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