zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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CRYPTOCOCCOSIS 329formans,favoring its development <strong>and</strong> prolonging its survival in the soil. Pigeons donot become ill with cryp<strong>to</strong>coccosis.The environmental source of C. neoformans var. gattii was unknown until a fewyears ago. A study conducted in Australia succeeded in isolating var. gattii from 35samples of bark <strong>and</strong> plant remains accumulated under the foliage of a species ofeucalyptus, Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Attempts <strong>to</strong> isolate samples from other eucalyptusspecies were unsuccessful. E. camaldulensis has been exported <strong>to</strong> variouscountries in the Americas, Africa, <strong>and</strong> Asia. The air sample taken from beneath thefoliage demonstrated that the presence of the agent in the air coincided with the eucalyptus’blooming season in late spring. These findings would explain the high incidenceof C. neoformans var. gattii among the aborigines in Australia’s NorthernTerri<strong>to</strong>ry, where these trees are abundant <strong>and</strong> the indigenous population lives in closecontact with them (Ellis <strong>and</strong> Pfeiffer, 1990). Man <strong>and</strong> animals become infected byinhaling dust containing the causal agent. C. neoformans, which has no capsule innature, becomes encapsulated in the lungs, allowing it <strong>to</strong> resist phagocy<strong>to</strong>sis.Although all researchers agree that the infection is contracted through inhalation,there is still debate regarding the infecting element. Some believe it is the yeast formof the agent while others believe it is the basidiospores of the agent’s sexual phase. Ithas also been pointed out that the yeast form would be <strong>to</strong>o large (4 <strong>to</strong> 7 microns) <strong>to</strong>enter the alveoli, while basidiospores measure only about 2 microns (Cohen, 1982).Role of Animals in the Epidemiology of the Disease: There are no known casesof transmission of the disease from animal <strong>to</strong> animal, from animal <strong>to</strong> man, or fromman <strong>to</strong> man, except in the case of a corneal transplant (Beyt <strong>and</strong> Waldman, 1978).Diagnosis: Diagnosis can be made through microscopic observation of encapsulatedC. neoformans in tissues <strong>and</strong> body fluids, <strong>and</strong> can be confirmed by culture. Theuse of culture media <strong>to</strong> differentiate serotypes A <strong>and</strong> D from serotypes B <strong>and</strong> C nowfacilitates serotyping (Salkind <strong>and</strong> Hurd, 1982; Kwon-Chung et al., 1982). Thedirect immunofluorescence test can be used for the same purpose for cultures <strong>and</strong>for some his<strong>to</strong>logical preparations (Kaplan et al., 1981).As the etiologic agent multiplies in the human host, the capsular polysaccharideof C. neoformans neutralizes antibodies. Excess antibodies can be detected in blood<strong>and</strong> urine, as well as in cerebrospinal fluid in cases in which the central nervous systemis affected. Cases that come <strong>to</strong> receive medical attention are frequently faradvanced. Consequently, better results are obtained if the medical examination isdirected <strong>to</strong>ward detecting the specific antigen rather than the antibodies. The platelatex agglutination test with particles sensitized by anticryp<strong>to</strong>coccal globulin is used<strong>to</strong> detect the cryp<strong>to</strong>coccal antigen. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) test is also available <strong>to</strong> detect the capuslar polysaccharide antigen of theetiologic agent. This test is much more sensitive than latex agglutination <strong>and</strong> permitsearlier diagnosis (Scott et al., 1980). In patients with meningoencephalitis, a sampleof the cerebrospinal fluid is used for direct microscopic examination <strong>and</strong> a cellcount, another examination with India ink <strong>to</strong> detect encapsulated fungus cells, <strong>and</strong>culture in Sabouroud’s dextrose agar with incubation at 30°C <strong>to</strong> 37°C <strong>to</strong> isolate thefungus. The antigen is sought in serum <strong>and</strong> cerebrospinal fluid.In Engl<strong>and</strong>, 828 HIV-positive patients with fever were examined (in the UnitedKingdom, 85% of cases occur in immunodeficient individuals, while in the UnitedStates, 50% of patients apparently have a normal immune system). Sixty-nine of the

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