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zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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BRUCELLOSIS 63BibliographyAcosta, M., H. Ludueña, D. Barre<strong>to</strong>, M. Moro. Brucellosis en alpacas. Rev Invest Pec1:37–49, 1972.Al-Khalaf, S., A. El-Khaladi. Brucellosis in camels in Kuwait. Com Immun MicrobiolInfect Dis 12:1–4, 1989.Al<strong>to</strong>n, G.G. The epidemiology of Brucella melitensis infection in sheep <strong>and</strong> goats. In:Verger, J.M., M. Plommet, eds. Brucella melitensis. Seminar held in Brussels, 14–15November 1984. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff; 1985.Al<strong>to</strong>n, G.G. Control of Brucella melitensis infection in sheep <strong>and</strong> goats—A review. TropAnim Health Prod 19:65–74, 1987.Al<strong>to</strong>n, G.G., L.A. Corner, P.P. Plackett. Vaccination of pregnant cows with low doses ofBrucella abortus strain 19 vaccine. Aust Vet J 56:369–372, 1980.Al<strong>to</strong>n, G.G., L.A. Corner, P.P. Plackett. Vaccination of cattle against brucellosis. Reduceddoses of strain 19 compared with one <strong>and</strong> two doses of 45/20 vaccine. Aust Vet J 60:175–177,1983.Al<strong>to</strong>n, G.G., L.M. Jones, C. García-Carrillo, A. Trenchi. Brucella melitensis Rev. 1 <strong>and</strong>Brucella abortus 45/20 vaccines in goats: Immunity. Am J Vet Res 33:1747–1751, 1972.Al<strong>to</strong>n, G.G., L.M. Jones, D.E. Pietz. Labora<strong>to</strong>ry techniques in brucellosis. 2nd ed. Geneva:World Health Organization; 1975. (Monographs Series 55).Anczykowski, F. Further studies on fowl brucellosis. II. Labora<strong>to</strong>ry experiments. Pol ArchWet 16:271–292, 1973.Angus, R.D., C.E. Bar<strong>to</strong>n. The production <strong>and</strong> evaluation of a buffered plate antigen for usein a presumptive test for brucellosis. In: Third International Symposium on Brucellosis,Algiers, Algeria, 1983. Developments in Biological St<strong>and</strong>ardization. Basel: Karger; 1984.Banai, M., I. Mayer, A. Cohen. Isolation, identification, <strong>and</strong> characterization in Israel ofBrucella melitensis biovar 1 atypical strains susceptible <strong>to</strong> dyes <strong>and</strong> penicillin, indicating theevolution of a new variant. J Clin Microbiol 28:1057–1059, 1990.Barg, L. Isolamen<strong>to</strong> de Brucella canis em Minas Gerais, Brazil. Pesquisa de aglutininas emsoros caninos e humanos [thesis]. Belo Horizonte: Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, 1975.Bar<strong>to</strong>n, C.E., J.R. Lomme. Reduced-dose whole herd vaccination against brucellosis: Areview of recent experience. J Am Vet Med Assoc 177:1218–1220, 1980.Benenson, A.S., ed. Control of Communicable Diseases in Man. 15th ed. An official repor<strong>to</strong>f the American Public Health Association. Washing<strong>to</strong>n, D.C.: American Public HealthAssociation; 1990.Buchanan, T.M., L.C. Faber. 2-mercap<strong>to</strong>ethanol brucella agglutination test: Usefulness forpredicting recovery from brucellosis. J Clin Microbiol 11:691–693, 1980.Buchanan, T.M., S.L. Hendricks, C.M. Pat<strong>to</strong>n, R.A. Feldman. Brucellosis in the UnitedStates. An abat<strong>to</strong>ir-associated disease. Part III. Epidemiology <strong>and</strong> evidence for acquiredimmunity. Medicine 53:427–439, 1974.Cargill, C., K. Lee, I. Clarke. Use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in a bovinebrucellosis eradication program. Aust Vet J 62:49–52, 1985.Carmichael, L.E., J.C. Joubert. A rapid agglutination test for the serodiagnosis ofBrucella canis infection that employs a variant (M–) organism as antigen. Cornell Vet77:3–12, 1987.Chappel, R.J., D.J. McNaught, J.A. Bourke, G.S. Allen. Comparison of the results of someserological tests for bovine brucellosis. J Hyg 80:365–371, 1978.Chile, Ministerio de Agricultura, Servicio Agrícola <strong>and</strong> Ganadero. Brucellosis bovina,ovina <strong>and</strong> caprina. Diagnóstico, control, vacunación. Paris: Office International desEpizooties; 1987. (Technical Series 6).Corbel, M.J. The serological relationship between Brucella spp., Yersinia enterocoliticaserotype IX <strong>and</strong> Salmonella serotypes of Kauffman-White group. J Hyg 75:151–171, 1975.

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