zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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202 BACTERIOSESP. mul<strong>to</strong>cida is also responsible for cases of mastitis.SHEEP: P. haemolytica is the etiologic agent of two different clinical forms, pneumonia<strong>and</strong> septicemia. Biotype A serotype 2 is the most prevalent agent of pasteurellapneumonia among lambs in Great Britain (Fraser et al., 1982). Pulmonarydisease in sheep follows a viral infection (P13). Although Pasteurella is a secondaryinvader, it is the predominant pathogen. Occurrence of the disease is sporadic orenzootic. The main symp<strong>to</strong>ms are a purulent nasal discharge, cough, diarrhea, <strong>and</strong>general malaise. Lesions consist of hemorrhagic areas in the lungs <strong>and</strong> petechiae inthe pericardium. Pasteurella septicemia is caused by biotype T of P. haemolytica<strong>and</strong> appears in temperate climates in the fall, when the sheep’s diet is changed(Gillespie <strong>and</strong> Timoney, 1981). In Mexico, 860 pneumonic lungs were examined,<strong>and</strong> 120 isolates of P. haemolytica type A were obtained from them. The most <strong>common</strong>serotypes were 1 (22%), 2 (16%), 5 (11%), <strong>and</strong> 9 (7%). Twenty-seven percen<strong>to</strong>f the isolates could not be typed (Colin et al., 1987). P. haemolytica is the only etiologicagent of sporadic sheep mastitis in the western US, Australia, <strong>and</strong> Europe(Blood et al., 1979).SWINE: Pasteurellosis also appears in the form of pneumonia <strong>and</strong>, more rarely, assepticemia. Pasteurella may be a primary or secondary agent of pneumonia, particularlyas a complication of the mild form of classic swine plague (hog cholera) ormycoplasmal pneumonia. The anterior pulmonary lobes are the most affected, withhepatization <strong>and</strong> a sero-fibrinous exudate on the surface. Serotype 3:A of P. mul<strong>to</strong>cidais the most prevalent in chronic swine pneumonia (Pijoan et al., 1983). Studieshave revealed evidence of the etiologic role of <strong>to</strong>xigenic strains of P. mul<strong>to</strong>cidaserotype D in atrophic rhinitis. Bordetella bronchiseptica acting synergistically with<strong>to</strong>xigenic strains of P. mul<strong>to</strong>cida probably causes this disease, the etiology of whichhas been the subject of much debate (Rutter, 1983).Atrophic rhinitis is characterized by atrophy of the nasal turbinate bones, sometimeswith dis<strong>to</strong>rtion of the septum. Experiments have shown that the agents—B. bronchiseptica <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>xigenic P. mul<strong>to</strong>cida—can cause the disease separately in1-week-old gno<strong>to</strong>biotic suckling pigs. However, turbinate atrophy is more severe<strong>and</strong> may become complete when the animals are inoculated with both agents(Rhodes et al., 1987). Atrophic rhinitis could not be seen in some herds from whichonly B. bronchiseptica was isolated. The purified <strong>to</strong>xin of type D strains of P. mul<strong>to</strong>cida,inoculated intranasally, caused severe turbinate atrophy (Dominick <strong>and</strong>Rimler, 1986).Various outbreaks of hemorrhagic septicemia caused by P. mul<strong>to</strong>cida 2:Bhave been reported in India. In one of these outbreaks, 40% of the herd died(Verma, 1988).RABBITS: Pasteurellosis is <strong>common</strong> in rabbit hutches. The most frequent clinicalmanifestation is coryza. As in other animal species, the disease appears under stressfulconditions. The principal symp<strong>to</strong>ms are a serous or purulent exudate from thenose <strong>and</strong> sometimes from the eyes, sneezing, <strong>and</strong> coughing. The pathologicalprocess may spread <strong>to</strong> the lungs. Septicemia <strong>and</strong> death are not un<strong>common</strong>. Malesthat are kept <strong>to</strong>gether may show pasteurella-infected abscesses produced by bites.An atrophic rhinitis syndrome also occurs in rabbits. Au<strong>to</strong>psy of 52 adult rabbitsrevealed that 26 of them (50%) had turbinate atrophy. P. mul<strong>to</strong>cida <strong>and</strong> B. bron-

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