zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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152 BACTERIOSEScutaneous lesions are flat, hypopigmented, <strong>and</strong> have ill-defined borders. If this initialform is not treated, it may develop in<strong>to</strong> tuberculoid, dimorphous, or leproma<strong>to</strong>usleprosy. Bacilli are few <strong>and</strong> it is difficult <strong>to</strong> confirm their presence.Finally, the dimorphous or borderline form occupies an intermediate positionbetween the two polar forms (tuberculoid <strong>and</strong> leproma<strong>to</strong>us), <strong>and</strong> shares propertiesof both; it is unstable <strong>and</strong> may progress in either direction. Destruction of nervetrunks may be extensive. Bacilli are observed in scrapings taken from skin lesions.A study group (<strong>WHO</strong>, 1985) has, primarily for practical treatment purposes,defined two types of the disease.“a) Paucibacillary: This includes the categories described as indeterminate (I) <strong>and</strong>tuberculoid (T) leprosy in the Madrid classification, <strong>and</strong> the indeterminate (I), polartuberculoid (TT) <strong>and</strong> borderline tuberculoid (BT) categories in the Ridley <strong>and</strong>Jopling classification, whether diagnosed clinically or his<strong>to</strong>pathologically with abacterial index of

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