zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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250 BACTERIOSESA live strep<strong>to</strong>mycin-dependent vaccine, administered orally in three or four doses,provided good protection against the clinical disease for 6 <strong>to</strong> 12 months. However,it is currently not in use due <strong>to</strong> side effects such as vomiting in a small number ofthose who have been given the vaccine. Another undesirable <strong>and</strong> more serious effec<strong>to</strong>f this vaccine is the instability of the strain <strong>and</strong> reversion <strong>to</strong> its original virulence(<strong>WHO</strong>, 1991). Different types of vaccines have been developed, including hybridsof Shigella <strong>and</strong> E. coli, <strong>and</strong> of Shigella <strong>and</strong> Salmonella; vaccines obtained throughdeletions <strong>and</strong> mutations; <strong>and</strong> oral vaccines of dead shigellae. All these vaccines areawaiting evaluation (<strong>WHO</strong>, 1991).In two military camps in Israel, intensive measures (primarily bait <strong>and</strong> strategicallylocated traps) were taken in the early summer of 1988 <strong>to</strong> control flies for 11weeks. The test was repeated in the summer of 1989. The number of flies wasreduced by 64% <strong>and</strong> clinic visits for diarrhea caused by shigellosis fell by 42% inthe first year <strong>and</strong> 85% in the second. These results indicate that flies, acting asmechanical vec<strong>to</strong>rs, are an important fac<strong>to</strong>r in the transmission of shigellosis (Cohenet al., 1991).Indiscriminate use of antibiotics must be avoided in order <strong>to</strong> prevent the emergenceof multiresistant strains <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> ensure that these medications remain availablefor use in severe cases.In animals, control consists of: (a) isolation <strong>and</strong> treatment of sick or carrier monkeys;(b) careful cleaning <strong>and</strong> sterilization of cages; (c) prevention of crowding incages; <strong>and</strong> (d) prompt disposal of wastes <strong>and</strong> control of insects.At the National Zoo in Washing<strong>to</strong>n, DC, carrier status for multiresistant S. flexneriwas eliminated through intramuscular administration of enrofloxacine (5 mg/kg ofbodyweight every 24 hours for 10 days). The large primates received the same medicineorally. In this way, it was possible <strong>to</strong> eradicate S. flexneri from a colony of 85primates, although after 10 <strong>to</strong> 12 months S. sonnei was isolated from the feces ofthree animals (Banish et al., 1993b).BibliographyBanish, L.D., R. Sims, D. Sack, et al. Prevalence of shigellosis <strong>and</strong> other enteric pathogensin a zoologic collection of primates. J Am Vet Med Assoc 203:126–132, 1993a.Banish, L.D., R. Sims, M. Bush, et al. Clearance of Shigella flexneri carriers in a zoologiccollection of primates. J Am Vet Med Assoc 203:133–136, 1993b.Benenson, A.S., ed. Control of Communicable Diseases in Man. 15th ed. An official repor<strong>to</strong>f the American Public Health Association. Washing<strong>to</strong>n, D.C.: American Public HealthAssociation; 1990.Bennett, J.V. Cited in: Wachsmuth, K., G.K. Morris. Shigella. In: Doyle, M.P. FoodborneBacterial Pathogens. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1989.Cohen, D., M. Green, M. Block, et al. Reduction of transmission of shigellosis by controlof houseflies (Musca domestica). Lancet 337:993–997, 1991.Edwards, P.R., W.H. Ewing. Identification of Enterobacteriaceae. 3rd ed. Minneapolis:Burgess; 1972.Fiennes, R. Zoonoses of Primates. Ithaca: Cornell University Press; 1967.Keusch, G.T., M.L. Bennish. Shigellosis. In: Evans, A.S., P.S. Brachman, eds. BacterialInfections of Humans. 2nd ed. New York: Plenum Medical Book Co.; 1991.Keusch, G.T., S.B. Formal. Shigellosis. In: Warren, K.S., A.A.F. Mahmoud, eds. Tropical<strong>and</strong> Geographical Medicine. New Jersey: McGraw-Hill; 1984.

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