zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO

zoonoses and communicable diseases common to ... - PAHO/WHO


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GLANDERS 145Control: Prevention in humans consists primarily of eradication of the infectionin solipeds. Greatly improved diagnostic methods have made successful eradicationcampaigns possible, as have the disapperance of stables from cities <strong>and</strong> the almostcomplete substitution of au<strong>to</strong>mobiles for horses. Eradication procedures consist ofidentification of infected animals with allergenic or serologic tests, <strong>and</strong> sacrifice ofreac<strong>to</strong>rs. Installations <strong>and</strong> equipment must then be disinfected.BibliographyBlood, D.C., J.A. Henderson. Veterinary Medicine. 4th ed. Baltimore: Williams &Wilkins; 1974.Bruner, D.W., J.H. Gillespie. Hagan’s Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals. 6th ed.Ithaca: Coms<strong>to</strong>ck; 1973.Cluff, L.E. Diseases caused by Malleomyces. In: Beeson, P., B.W. McDermott, J.B.Wyngaarden, eds. Cecil Textbook of Medicine. 15th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1979.Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World HealthOrganization (<strong>WHO</strong>)/International Office of Epizootics (OIE). Animal Health Yearbook,1971. Rome: FAO; 1972.Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World HealthOrganization (<strong>WHO</strong>)/International Office of Epizootics (OIE). Animal Health Yearbook,1984. Rome: FAO; 1985.Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World HealthOrganization (<strong>WHO</strong>)/International Office of Epizootics (OIE). Animal Health Yearbook,1992. Rome: FAO; 1993. (FAO Production <strong>and</strong> Animal Health Series 32).Hagebock, J.M., L.K. Schlater, W.M. Frerichs, D.P. Olson. Serologic responses <strong>to</strong> themallein test for gl<strong>and</strong>ers in solipeds. J Vet Diagn Invest 5:97–99, 1993.Hipóli<strong>to</strong>, O., M.L.G. Freitas, J.B. Figuereido. Doenças Infe<strong>to</strong>-Contagiosas dos AnimaisDomésticos. 4th ed. São Paulo: Melhoramen<strong>to</strong>s; 1965.International Office of Epizootics (OIE). Report on the Disease Status Worldwide in 1984.53rd General Session. Paris: IOE; 1985. (Document 53SG/2).International Office of Epizootics (OIE). Enfermedades animales señaladas a la OIE,estadísticas 1982. Paris: OIE; 1982.Langeneger, J., J. Dobereiner, A.C. Lima. Foco de mormo (Malleus) na região de Campos,Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Arq Inst Biol Anim 3:91–108, 1960.Oudar, J., L. Dhennu, L. Joubert, A. Richard, J.C. Coutard, J.C. Proy, et al. A propos d’unrécent foyer de morve du cheval en France. Bull Soc Sci Vet Med Comp 67:309–317, 1965.Van der Schaaf, A. Malleus. In:Van der Hoeden, J., ed. Zoonoses. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1964.Van Goidsenhoven, C., F. Schoenaers. Maladies Infectieuses des Animaux Domestiques.Liège: Desoer; 1960.

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