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5.6. Concluding remarksThe preceding discussion points to the key role thatstructural transformation towards higher value-addedactivities and sectors will continue to play in achievingsustainable prosperity for all in the post-2015 world. Itpoints to integrated policy frameworks that link policies tobuild fundamental production capabilities with those thatsupport education and social development as well as thosegeared to advancing environmental sustainability.An inclusive and sustainable industrial developmentstrategy that targets simultaneously the development ofdomestic production and innovation capabilities and longtermsustainable development objectives can be acornerstone of a transformative post-2015 developmentagenda.SCP provides a systemic approach to the pursuit of inclusiveand sustainable growth and to managing the related tradeoffs.The ultimate objective of SCP promotion is to makepossible a “decoupling” of economic growth and socialprogress on the one hand from environmental degradationon the other, including through the de-carbonization ofeconomic activities over the coming decades.As developing countries pursue industrialization on thepath to economic development, finding new, low-carbon,resource- and energy-efficient development paths will beessential, and international cooperation – involving boththe private and public sectors – to facilitate the freer flowof finance, knowledge and technologies will be crucial tosuccess.101

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