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management of tunafisheries: TheGEF/UNDP PacificIslands OceanicFisheriesManagementProject, WesternPacific 191Nutrient pollutionreduction,Danube/Black SeaBasin 192Local levelDevelopment ofmariculture activitiesas an alternativelivelihood option forcoastal communities:Milkfish farming inKilwa and Mtwaradistricts, Republic ofTanzania 193Community-basedgreen sea turtleconservation, TheComoros 194Fertilisers used inagriculture leading tonutrient pollution(nitrogen, phosphorus)from farm run-off plusincrease in “pointsources” of pollutionfrom poorly or untreatedwastewater and largescale livestock farms(manure) – creation ofhypoxic/low oxygenconditions, a number ofspecies and benthicecosystems disappeared,economic lossesIncreased overfishingand use of destructivefishing practices (e.g.dynamite fishing)resulting in decline offish quality and quantityTurtle poaching leadingto conflicts betweenturtle poachers andcommunity of Itsamia(willing to address issueof poaching)national and regionalsustainable developmentpriorities; Sustainablemanagement of regional/transboundary fish stocksDanube and Black SeaStrategic Action Programmesreformof policies, legislationand institutions related toreducing nutrient pollution inthe basin, including adoptionof best agricultural practicesfor manure management andfertiliser application, phaseout of phosphorus-containingdetergents, promotion ofindustrial cleaner productionetc.; capacity-building andpartnershipsConservation measures,including marine parks,reserves and protected areas;development of maricultureactivities as alternativelivelihoodEducation of entirecommunity and awarenessraising; Beach patrols,monitoring of nesting sites,involvement of police,confiscation of poachers’boats; Additionalconservation efforts, incl.implementing and enforcingfishing regulations, cleaningof beaches and collection ofhousehold wasteyield (stocks at lowerrisk of being overfished)• Decreased discarding ofnon-target species –rates for longlinerstargeting albacore,bigeye, and yellowfintuna have decreasedfrom an average of 12.4,3.5 and 3.85%respectively to nearly0% for all species.Similar decreases wereseen for purse seinefishery.• Substantial reduction innutrient pollution• Restoration of goodwater quality• Decrease of biomass ofphytoplankton• Return of key benthic“phylophora” habitat• Return of many speciesconsidered locallyextinct• Protection of oceansand marine and coastalbiodiversity• Restoration andconservation of wildfishery• Significant reduction ofturtle poaching• Maintenance of largefish populations• Increase in fish biomassfrom 16 to 32 kg/100m2inshore tuna processingfacilities doubled• Increase in fisheryexports by US$ 134million, representing athird of the region’soverall exports• Increase in foreign fishingaccess fees by 24%• Restoration andmaintenance ofenvironmental andsocioeconomic benefitsfor nearly 160 millionresidents of the basin• Welfare gains (e.g.improved dietary intake,better capacity to meethousehold food needs,ability to purchase newassets, ability to meetstudent requirements forschool)• Improved food security(from two to three mealsa day)• Enhancement ofinvestments and savings• Creation of successfuleco-tourism generatingincome and jobs• Poverty eradicationbenefits (e.g. healthinitiatives and acquisitionof aid to subsidize localdoctor and hospital visits)• Sustainability of fishingopportunities allowsfishers to earn livelihoodto meet their needsBan of queen conchharvesting byfisheries: A recentconservation co-Conch fishery decline tounsustainable levels dueto unsustainable andillegal fishingConservation andmanagement measures,including designation ofbiosphere reserve (in• Increased health andquality of marine floraand fauna• Restoration and• Lobster and deep-seasnapper harvests providea new source of incomeand seafood for local65

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