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equired, with natural and social scientists workingtogether with holders of relevant traditional andexperiential knowledge, to better understand the nature ofthe complex interactions between humans and marine andcoastal ecosystems. More research towards valuingecosystem services, which might in turn encourage theprotection, conservation and more sustainable use ofoceans, seas and marine resources, is required.Contributing experts indicate a need to strengthen thecommunication between scientists, practitioners, decisionmakersand the wider public. All stakeholders need to beengaged in a more effective and systematic manner.Institutional barriers to an effective science-policy interfaceshould be eliminated, in order to enable closercollaboration among researchers, practitioners andgovernment officials. Research could sometimes be moredemand-driven and focused on policy-relevant informationrather than on knowledge and research gaps. Researchfindings could be disseminated to the wider public for thepurpose of education and increased awareness. Theeffectiveness of environmental education and engagementprogrammes with respect to changing the behaviours ofresource users and decision makers could be analysed.Human well-being cannot be achieved without theprotection and conservation of the Earth’s ecosystem. Tomaintain the quality of life that the oceans have providedto humankind, a change will be required in how humansview, manage and use oceans, seas and marine resources.Science can play an important supporting role in thisregard.Annex 1 (Extended versions of Table 3-1, 3-3, 3-4)Given its large size, Annex 1, containing extended versionsof Tables 3-1, 3-3, 3-4 is available on the DESA-administeredSustainable Development Knowledge Platform under:https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/globalsdreport/2015.68

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