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Figure 2-2 provides an overview of the number of globalscenario models that are covering each of the 17 SDGs.Many of the 72 models covered SDG13 on climate change(45 models), SDG8 on economic growth and employment(42 models), SDG7 on energy (35 models), SDG15 onterrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity (26 models), andSDG17 on means of implementation (25 models). Themodels of means of implementation typically focus oninternational taxation, fuel subsidies, trade, and technologychange and transfer. 117 In contrast, only 5 modelsconsidered governance aspects of SDG16 in one way oranother, only a few explored SDG10 on inequality and nomodel considered SDG5 on gender equality. We onlyidentified five scenarios that explicitly addressed the SDGson ending poverty, sustainable consumption andproduction, water, oceans, education, health, and reducinginequality. This pattern is consistent with the findings of arelated scoping study commissioned by the EuropeanCommission. 114Figure 2-2. SDG coverage of the 72 selected globalscenario modelsIt should also be noted that the model coverage of mostSDGs was only partial. For example, with regard to SDG15on terrestrial ecosystems, food production aspects werecaptured by many models, but other ecosystem servicesand biodiversity aspects of SDG15 were only captured by afew models.Many models were concerned with economic developmentand means of implementation through macroeconomicanalysis, with many of them tying into poverty issues, andenvironment-related themes such as energy and climatechange policies. A number of economic growth modelshave been used to estimate the costs of internationallyagreed goals and investment requirements forinfrastructure. For example, the World Bank used aneconomic growth model to estimate the additionalresource needs for achieving the MDGs. 118 Some socioeconomicmodels specifically focused on internationaltrade. 119 Most of the macroeconomic analyses were basedon neoclassical theory and ultimately oriented towardsmaximizing economic and trade growth. Ecologicaleconomics models explicitly included the environment andits services and sometimes considered planetaryboundaries. 120 These models tended to explore alternativedevelopment avenues, address issues of equity, allocation,121 114and scale.Only a few models have explicitly addressed sustainableconsumption and production (SCP) in a way in which theycould support SCP policy 122 – in order to do so, they wouldneed to be technology-explicit, link policies to technologyacquisition cost and consumer behaviour, havemacroeconomic feedbacks to energy supply and demand,and include trade and financial feedbacks betweencountries in the case of global environmental challenges. 1222.3.3. Coverage of inter-linkages between SDGsHow well do the global scenario models captureinterlinkages between SDGs? 123 124 Table 2-4 provides anoverview of the number of models that capture the interlinkagesbetween 8 groups of the 17 SDGs. Most of themodels that quantify SDG inter-linkages focus on assessingsynergies and trade-offs between economic andenvironmental domains, such as energy and climatechange.125 Inter-linkages to social issues focus primarily onemployment.Source: author’s elaboration51

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