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2.2. Integrated SDG perspectives in internationalassessmentsA large number of international assessments are carriedout in the UN system and beyond. Many of them take anintegrated perspective to a subset of the SDGs. The SDGcoverage of these assessments is summarized next.The Prototype Global Sustainable Development Report2014 introduced some of the most important recentinternational assessments, proposed a typology of theseassessments, and discussed the strengths and weaknessesof various assessment models. It also compiled a list ofmore than one hundred assessments, outlook reports andother flagship publications of the UN system.Here we build on and extend that work. In a first step, adatabase of international assessments was created, whichincluded the assessments and flagship reports consideredin the Prototype GSDR 2014 69 ; a background paper of theSG’s Scientific Advisory Board 103 ; various UNEP and IPBESreports 104 105 ; the Assessment of Assessments 106 ; andreports provided by UN entities. In a second step, the listwas narrowed down by excluding assessments that are notstrictly international assessments (e.g. policy briefs orregional reports) and including only a selection of recurringreports. In a third stage, a subsample of 36 international46assessments was selected, in order to keep about 3 reportsfor each SDG and preferentially keep reports that cover arange of SDGs (Table 2-2) As a result, the selection of 36assessments is not a representative sample, but canprovide insights on how the assessments actually covercombinations of SDG areas.2.2.1. Hierarchy in terms of thematic breadthIn general, international assessments show a hierarchy ofassessments in terms of their thematic breadth.Target-level reports focus on well-defined themes many ofwhich can be associated with specific SDG targets, butmany are even more specific than SDG targets. Thisincludes many UN system reports, which provide detaileddata in areas covered by organizational mandates.Goal-level reports have a broader focus, and many can beassociated with a specific SDG goal. They seldom explorelinks with other areas.Integrated reports consider several of the SDGs areas indepth, even though their main focus may be on one specificarea.Linkages-among-goals reports investigate the linkagesbetween at least two SDG areas (targets or goals).Box 2-1. Examples of "target-level" reports and "linkages-among-goals" reportsTarget-level reports:- Global Wage Report 2012-13 (ILO)- Global Employment Trends 2013: Recovering from a second jobs dip (ILO)- Food Wastage Footprint. Impact on Natural Resources. Summary report (FAO)- Food Outlook. Biannual report on global food markets (FAO)- World Drug Report 2013 (UNODC)- Scientific Synthesis on the Impacts of Underwater Noise on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and Habitats (CBD)- Review of Maritime Transport 2012 (UNCTAD)- Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (CBD)- Urban World: Cities and Land Rights (UN-HABITAT)- Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 2012 (IAEA)- World Trade Report (WTO)- World Investment Report 2013 - Global Value Chains: Investment and Trade for Development (UNCTAD)- Technology and Innovation Report 2012 - Innovation, Technology and South-South Collaboration (UNCTAD)- Global Mercury Assessment 2013: Sources, emissions, releases, and environmental transport (UNEP)- State of World Population 2012: By Choice, Not By Chance: Family Planning, Human Rights and Development (UNFPA)Links among goals reports:- Forests and climate change (FAO)- Forests and water (FAO)- Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Agriculture (FAO)- The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities (UNICEF)- Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2013 (IAEA)- Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Agriculture (FAO)- Scientific Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Fertilization on Marine Biodiversity (CBD)- Scientific Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity (CBD)

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