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Figure 5-3. Number of Y02 patents per patent office ofregistration 409better primary goods (agriculture, forestry, fishing andmining) and services (banking, insurance, communications,trade and transport). 417Value addition in agro-industry can play a crucial role inemployment generation and income improvement in ruralareas, where 75% of the world’s poor live. Rising middleclasses with changing food consumption patterns creategrowing global demand for processed food. The sector is aleading employer, accounting for 12-13% of globalemployment in manufacturing and generating around 25million jobs in 2009. 418 Rural non-farm earnings account for30-45% of rural household income in developing countriesand have the potential to increase substantially. 419Another significant factor affecting structuraltransformation is globalization. The rapid globalizationprocess of the past several decades has reshaped globaleconomic geography. Domestic economies are increasinglyinterwoven with the global economic system, and centresof innovation and growth are more dispersed.Production patterns have been driven primarily by theemergence of transnational corporations and global valuechains (GVCs) 410 linked through trade and investmentflows. 411 Many countries have benefited from this process,while others remain marginalized. 412 According to UNIDOstudy, “the 30 developing countries that successfullyintegrated in GVCs and showed the highest participationrates grew almost five times faster than the 30 bottomcountries”. 413 A large part of China’s rapid structuraltransformation is attributed to the ability of its producersto link to global value chains. 414 Over the years, China hassuccessfully diversified its production to cover entire valuechains through backward and forward integration.Patterns of international trade are changing towardsincreasing trade activity between developing countries.Two trends are clear. First, Africa is emerging as a point ofinterest for trade, especially for China, India and Brazil.Secondly, the expanding middle class in developingcountries represents a major consumer market for whichan intense race has already started. All developingcountries stand to benefit from strengthening regionaltrade as an important channel for trade in consumer goodsand infrastructure services, and the development ofregional value chains 415 .Box 5-2. Developing agro-business in resource rich AfricaAfrica’s abundant natural resource endowment (e.g. 60% ofthe world’s arable land) has contributed to the continent’srapid growth since 2000. 420 Much of the growth isattributable to raw material-based commodity exports. 421 Acomprehensive analysis by UNECA of African agriculturevalue chain linkages concludes that promoting agricultureand agro-industry based agri-business and manufacturingindustry value chain development can greatly enhance jobcreation, allow for investments innovation and industrialupgrading, and facilitate broad-based growth on thecontinent including addressing poverty and hungereffectively. 422 Studies by UNECA covering Africa’s mostresource rich countries show that countries are makingmodest progress in developing local manufacturing valueadded in the hard, soft and energy commodity sectors. 423In developed countries, but increasingly also in rapidlyindustrialising economies, manufacturing industries alsosupport the development of production related andknowledge intensive services. Modern manufacturingsystems consist of complex interdependencies, often acrossa range of industries, which contribute a variety ofcomponents, materials, production systems andsubsystems, producer services and product-related servicesystems. For countries with advanced manufacturingsystems, sophisticated manufactured products arebecoming important vectors for exporting productionrelated and knowledge intensive services and for increasingvalue addition opportunities (see Figure 5-4).5.2.2. Transforming industrial systems - increasingvalue addition in resource, agriculture andservice industriesDue to its multiple linkages, manufacturing has importantpull effect on the rest of the economy. 416 An expandingmanufacturing industry fuels the demand for more and91

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