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In comparison to the Almaty Programme of Action, thereare three new priorities, namely, structural economictransformation, regional integration and means ofimplementation. In addition, priorities included in theAlmaty Programme of Action have been furtherstrengthened and enhanced to reflect the developingsituation in LLDCs.Another important aspect of the VPoA is the focus onstrengthened and renewed partnerships among LLDCs,transit developing countries and development partners.Partnerships between LLDCs and transit developingcountries are important for the improvement ofinfrastructural connectivity, efficient transit transportsystems and regional policy coherence. Partnerships withand support of UN system and other internationalorganizations, as well as South-South and triangularcooperation and partnerships with the private sector arealso highlighted.6.3.2. The Vienna Programme of Action and theproposed sustainable development goals (SDGs)and targetsAnalysing VPoA and the proposed SDGs and their targets, itcan be seen that the proposed SDGs also cover areashighlighted in the VPoA (see Figure 6-5). LLDCs are alsounderlined as a special group in the proposed SDGs, namelyin the Introduction as well as in proposed Goal 9 (Buildresilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainableindustrialization and foster innovation) and proposed Goal10 (Reduce inequality within and among countries). TheVPoA has a higher level of comprehensiveness thanproposed SDGs (see Figure 4) in its focus areas asenumerated above, which overlap with SDGs 7, 9, 11 and17 in particular.On the other hand, VPoA does not cover all areas of SDGs(see Figure 6-5). It would be important, therefore, goingforward to review and monitor both SDGs and VPoA jointlyin order to assess LLDC progress on both agendas. Thisargument can be supported by an example in relation tothe human development of LLDCs and MDGs. Those LLDCswho were able to achieve MDGs as well as LLDC prioritiesat least to some extent did much better on UNDP’s humandevelopment index than those LLDCs who were seriouslylagging behind in achieving MDGs and/or LLDC priorities. Itcan be noted that, out of 32 LLDCs for which data exists,only four were listed in the “high human development” andseven in the “medium human development” categories,while the rest were in the “low human development”category in the 2014 human development index. 513Figure 6-5. Areas of emphasis of VPoA in the context of the SDGsSource: Author’s elaboration6.3.3. Publications relevant for LLDCsA sample of publications relevant for LLDCs shows thecoverage of proposed SDGs (see Table 6-4 in Annex 1).Most of the publications analysed come from the UNsystem and the World Bank. Figure 6-6 shows how manypublications cover each of the proposed SDG areas. It canbe seen that SDG areas that coincide with VPoA priorityareas are covered by a higher number of publications, whilevery few or none exist in the areas that are not consideredby VPoA. Also, Figure 11 shows that publications cover onlyone or two SDG areas, pointing to a possible lack ofexploration of linkages among proposed SDGs.Most of the publications analysed were written during theperiod of the Almaty Programme of Action, which focusedmore exclusively on development of transit transportsystems and integration into global trade. It can be seenthat the best coverage is in the LLDC priorities in proposedgoals 9 (build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive andsustainable industrialization and foster innovation) and 11(make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,113

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