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6.4.2. SAMOA PathwayThe Samoa Pathway, adopted in September 2014 at theThird International Conference on Small Island DevelopingStates in Samoa, recognised that access by Small IslandDeveloping States to appropriate reliable, affordable,modern and environmentally sound technologies is criticalto achieving their sustainable development objectives andcalled for fostering an environment that provides incentivesfor innovation and entrepreneurship. The SAMOA Pathwayalso identified science, technology and innovation asessential enablers and drivers for sustainable development.6.4.3. The SAMOA Pathway and the proposed SDGsWhether as a result of cross-pollination between the SDGprocess and the Samoa process, or because of an inherentalignment of SIDS priorities with global priorities, there is acorrespondence between the SAMOA Pathway and theOpen Working Group’s proposal for the SDGs. There areareas where arguably the SAMOA Pathway attains a higherlevel of comprehensiveness as they are priority areas forSIDS and others where the SDGs aim higher. However, withtheir significant degree of correspondence and coverage ofall areas in both documents, implementation of the twodocuments will of necessity proceed simultaneously (seeFigure 6-7).Figure 6-7. Areas of emphasis of the SAMOA Pathway in the context of the SDGsSource: Author’s elaboration6.4.4. Publications relevant for SIDSIt can also be seen that the number of publications thatdeal with SDGs is highest in the SIDS priority areas such aswater and sanitation (6); economic growth andemployment (11); climate change (11); and oceans, seasand marine resources (8). This emphasis on environmentalchallenges in SIDS contrasts with the LDCs and LLDCs,where publications in the social areas are most prevalent,the exception being SDG 8 (Promote sustained, inclusiveand sustainable economic growth, full and productiveemployment and decent work for all), which is fairly wellcovered by publications relevant to SIDS (Table 6-5).Figure 6-8. Coverage of SDG areas by a sample of publicationsSource: Author’s elaborationNote: Coverage of SDG areas by a sample of 32 publications on SIDS116

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