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Page 111<br />

Bibliography to the 1926 Edition<br />

Some of <strong>Schmitt</strong>'s references are either incomplete or inaccurate. Wherever possible notes<br />

and bibliographical entries have been completed and corrected; but in some cases this was<br />

impossible, either because the edition he used was not available to me or the reference was<br />

too scant to allow <strong>Schmitt</strong>'s source to be traced. The Bibliography is therefore somewhat<br />

inconsistent. Nevertheless, I hope that the reader will bear with this defect and find it a useful<br />

guide to the intellectual sources of this essay. (EK)<br />

Bakunin, Michael, Oeuvres, 5 vols. Paris: Stock, 1911.<br />

Barthélemy, Joseph, Le rôle du pouvoir exécutif dans les republiques modernes. Paris:<br />

Giard & Brière.<br />

Beck, James M., Die Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Berlin: Walter de<br />

Gruyter, 1926. (German translation by Alfred Friedmann with a foreword by Calvin<br />

Coolidge and introduction by Walter Simons.)<br />

Becker, Werner, "Demokratie und Massenstaat," Die Schildgenossen 5 (1924–25), 459–<br />

478.<br />

Belloc, Hillaire, and Cecil Chesterton, The Party System. London: Stephen Swift, 1911.<br />

Bentham, Jeremy, "On the Liberty of the Press and Public Discussion" (1821), in The<br />

Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. John Bowring, vol. 2. Edinburgh: Tait, 1843, 275–297.<br />

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