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112 Theory of Literature<br />

even, as in a few instances, speculative philosophers themselves<br />

and wrote poetry which could be called "philosophical," we shall<br />

still have to ask such questions as these: Is poetry better because<br />

it is more philosophical? Can poetry be judged according to the<br />

value of the philosophy which it adopts or according to the degree<br />

of insight which it shows into the philosophy it adopts? Or<br />

can it be judged by criteria of philosophical originality, by the de-<br />

gree with which it modified traditional thought? T. S. Eliot has<br />

preferred Dante to Shakespeare because the philosophy of Dante<br />

seemed to him sounder than that of Shakespeare. A German<br />

philosopher, Hermann Glockner, has argued that poetry and<br />

philosophy have never been farther apart than in Dante because<br />

Dante took over a finished system without changing it. 12 The<br />

true collaboration between philosophy and poetry occurred when<br />

there were poets-thinkers like Empedocles in the pre-Socratic<br />

age of Greece, or during the Renaissance when Ficino or Giordano<br />

Bruno wrote poetry and philosophy, poetic philosophy<br />

and philosophical poetry, and later in Germany, when Goethe<br />

was both a poet and an original philosopher.<br />

But are philosophical standards of this sort criteria of literary<br />

criticism? Is Pope's Essay on Man to be condemned because it<br />

shows considerable eclecticism in its sources and consistency only<br />

passage by passage, while the total is riddled with over-all inco-<br />

herencies? Does the fact that we can show Shelley to have pro-<br />

gressed, at a certain time of his life, from the crude materialism<br />

of Godwin to some sort of Platonic idealism, make him a better<br />

poet or a worse? Can the impression that Shelley's poetry is<br />

vague, monotonous, and boring, which seems to be the experience<br />

of a new generation of readers, be refuted by showing that, prop-<br />

erly interpreted, his philosophy made sense in its time, or that<br />

this or that passage is not meaningless but alludes to contempo-<br />

rary scientific or pseudo-scientific conceptions? 13 All these criteria<br />

are surely based on the intellectualist misunderstanding, on a<br />

confusion of the functions of philosophy and art, on a misunder-<br />

standing of the way ideas actually enter into literature.<br />

These objections to the excessive intellectualism of the philosophical<br />

approach have been taken account of in some methods<br />

developed especially in Germany. Rudolf Unger has most clearly<br />

defended an approach which, though not systematically ex-

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