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Bibliografhy<br />

Quayle, Thomas, Poetic Diction: A Study of Eighteenth Century Verse,<br />

London, 1924<br />

Raymond, Marcel, "Le poete et la langue," Trivium: Schweizerische Vier-<br />

teljahrschrijt fiir Literaturwissenschaft uni Stilistik, II (1944),<br />

pp. 2-25<br />

Rubel, Vere L., Poetic Diction in the English Renaissance from Skelton<br />

through Spenser, New York, 194<br />

Rylands, George, Words and Poetry, London, 1928<br />

Tate, Allen (ed.), The Language of Poetry, Princeton, 1942<br />

Tillotson, Geoffrey, "Eighteenth Century Poetic Diction," Essays in Criti-<br />

cism and Research, Cambridge, 1942, pp. 53-85<br />

Wheelwright, Philip, "On the Semantics of Poetry," Kenyon Review, II<br />

(1940), pp. 263-83<br />

Wyld, H. C, Some Aspects of the Diction of English Poetry, Oxford,<br />

1933<br />


Bally, Charles; Richter, Elise; Alonso, Amado; Lida, Raymond: El im-<br />

presionismo en el lenguaje, Buenos Aires, 1936<br />

Barat, Emmanuel, Le Style poetique et la revolution romantique, Paris,<br />

1904<br />

Gautier, Rene, Deux Aspects du style classique: Bossuet, Voltaire, La<br />

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Croll, Morris W., "The Baroque Style in Prose," Studies in English<br />

Philology : A Miscellany in Honor of F. Klaeber (Ed. K. Malone and<br />

M. B. Ruud), Minneapolis, 1929, pp. 427-56<br />

Heinzel, Richard, Uber den Stil der altgermanischen Poesie, Strassburg,<br />

1875<br />

Petrich, Hermann, Drei Kapitel vom romantischen Stil, Leipzig, 1878<br />

Raymond, Marcel, "Classique et Baroque dans la poesie de Ronsard,"<br />

Concinnitas: Festschrift fiir Heinrich WolfJUn (Basel, 1944), pp.<br />

137-73<br />

Strich, Fritz, "Der lyrische Stil des 17. Jahrhunderts," Abhandlungen<br />

%ur deutschen Literaturgeschichte: Festschrift fiir Franz Muncker<br />

(Munich, 1916), pp. 21-53<br />

Thon, Luise, Die Sprache des deutschen Impressionismus, Munich, 1928

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