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196 Theory 0} Literature<br />

wider sense, myth comes to mean any anonymously composed<br />

story telling of origins and destinies, the explanations a society<br />

offers its young of why the world is and why we do as we do, its<br />

pedagogic images of the nature and destiny of man. 18<br />

For literary theory, the important motifs are, probably, the<br />

image or picture, the social, the supernatural (or non-naturalist<br />

or irrational), the narrative or story, the archetypal or universal,<br />

the symbolic representation as events in time of our timeless<br />

ideals, the programmatic or eschatological, the mystic. In con-<br />

temporary thought, appeal to the myth may center on any one<br />

of these, with a spread to others. Thus Sorel speaks of the "Gen-<br />

eral Strike" of all the world's workers as a "myth," meaning that<br />

while such an ideal will never become historic fact it must, in<br />

order to motivate and dynamize the workers, be presented as a<br />

future historical event ; myth is program. Thus Niebuhr speaks<br />

of Christian eschatology as mythic: the Second Coming and the<br />

Last Judgment image as future history what are present, perma-<br />

nent, moral, and spiritual evaluations. 19 If the mythic has as its<br />

contrary either science or philosophy, it opposes the picturable<br />

intuitive concrete to the rational abstract. Generally, too, in this,<br />

the central opposition for literary theorists and apologists, the<br />

myth is social, anonymous, communal. In modern times, we may<br />

be able to identify the creators—or some of the creators—of a<br />

myth; but it may still have the qualitative status of myth if its<br />

authorship is forgotten, not generally known, or at any event<br />

unimportant to its validation—if it has been accepted by the com-<br />

munity, has received the "consent of the faithful."<br />

The term is not easy to fix: it points today at an "area of meaning."<br />

We hear of painters and poets in search of a mythology;<br />

we hear of the "myth" of progress or of democracy. We hear of<br />

"The Return of the Myth in World Literature." Yet we also<br />

hear that one can't create a myth or choose to believe one or will<br />

one into being: the book has succeeded the myth, and the cos-<br />

mopolitan city the homogeneous society of the city state. 20<br />

Does modern man lack myth—or a mythology, a system of<br />

interconnected myths? This would be Nietzsche's view: that<br />

Socrates and the Sophists, the "intellectuals," had destroyed the<br />

life of Greek "culture." Similarly it would be argued that the<br />

Enlightenment destroyed—or began destruction of—the Chris-

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