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Image, Metaphor, Symbol, Myth 21<br />

of an "enthusiast" are palpable. Knight's exegesis of Pope's<br />

Essays on Criticism and on Man blithely disregards the question<br />

of what the "ideas" in those poems could historically have<br />

meant to Pope and his contemporaries. Deficient in historical<br />

perspective, Knight suffers also from a desire to "philosophize."<br />

The "philosophy" he draws from Shakespeare and others is<br />

neither original, clear, nor complex: it amounts to the reconcilia-<br />

tion of Eros and Agape, of order with energy, and so on with<br />

other pairs of contraries. As all the "real" poets bring essentially<br />

the same "message," one is left, after the decoding of each, with<br />

a feeling of futility. Poetry is a "revelation," but what does it<br />

reveal?<br />

Quite as perceptive as Knight's work and much better bal-<br />

anced is that of Wolfgang Clemen, whose Shakesfeares Bilder 60<br />

carries out the promise of its subtitle that it will study the development<br />

and functioning of the imagery. Contrasting the im-<br />

agery of lyrics and even epics, he insists on the dramatic nature<br />

of Shakespeare's plays: in his mature work, it is not Shakespeare<br />

"the man" but Troilus who metaphorically in the play thinks in<br />

terms of rancid food. In a play, "Each image is used by a specific<br />

person." Clemen has a real sense for the right methodo-<br />

logical questions to put. In analyzing Titus Andronicus, for ex-<br />

ample, he asks, "On what occasions in the play does Shakespeare<br />

use images? Does there exist a connection between the use of<br />

imagery and the occasion? What function have the images?"<br />

to which questions for Titus he has only negative answers. In<br />

Titus, the imagery is spasmodic and ornamental, but from that<br />

we can trace Shakespeare's development to the use of metaphor<br />

and as a<br />

as ustimmungsmassige Untermalung des Geschehens* y<br />

"ganz ursfriingliche Form der Wahrnehmung," i.e., to meta-<br />

phorical thinking. He makes admirable comments on the "ab-<br />

strakte Metaphorik" of Shakespeare's Middle Period (with its<br />

"unbildliche Bildlichkeit"—corresponding to Wells' Sunken,<br />

Radical, and Expansive types of imagery) ; but, writing a mono-<br />

graph on a specific poet, he introduces his type only when, in<br />

Shakespeare's "development," it appears ; and, though his monograph<br />

studies a development, and the "periods" of Shakespeare's<br />

work, Clemen remembers that he is studying the "periods" of<br />

the poetry, not those of the author's largely hypothetical life.<br />

— 7

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